Audix D6 can work well on guitars...


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I used an Audix D6 yesterday on my guitar cab, coupled with a BetaSM57A, and a T-Bone SC400 condensor mic.

Inverting the phase of the T-Bone gave me a really lush tone. I'll post an example later on, but yeah... the D6 really fills out the low end, and the inverted T-Bone tidies up the mids. Almost no extra EQ necessary for my tastes.
The D6 can handle a shit ton of air movement, so it likely will handle the low end on palm mutes very nicely.

The top end on that microphone is absolutely insane, and the mids are scooped to fuck and back. When you phase reversed it you probably got rid of a stupid amount of high end from the other mics.

Can't listen now, but I'll check it out later.
Forgot to mention, the D6 is at a 45 degree angle, aimed at the left edge of the speaker cap. The T-Bone is dead on the centre of the speaker, and the SM57A is dead on the centre of the 2nd speaker in my 2x12 marshall cab.
Yeah, was a good experiment. I think I'll try replacing the T-Bone with something a bit higher quality like a Rode K2 or Rode M3 perhaps. Will probably use this sort of micing configuration when recording our 2nd albums guitars - gotta get the drums done first!