August 24th in Marietta


The Darkitecht
Jun 3, 2007
Daytona, Florida

Hope to see a lot of you local folks out at Sidelines for this show. This is a Pathfinder Promotions birthday bash of sorts so come out and support us and the other great acts playing that night.
even though the bands involved keep telling me it's not my fault, I still want to apologize to the Theocracy fans concerning the cancellation of this show. No one is more upset about this than me - trust me. Tomorrow is my 41st birthday, and I had hoped to bring it in with true metal style.

:erk: but that won't happen now. Ah well, such is life.

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support of this fine band and the Atlanta metal scene!

You Rock! :rock:
Holy Numbers Batman!


Yeah the venue decided to drag their feet for the past month, but Im sure in the end they'll be sorry. Could have had a lot of business tomorrow night, but nooooo.