AURAL MUSIC NEWS: Negura Bunget announce new album title


May 10, 2002
imola - italy
Negura Bunget is ready to announce the title of the next album - Vîrstele pămîntului (engl. - The Ages of the Land/Earth).

Vîrstele pămîntului is an album about embracing your destiny, about choosing and consciously assuming a way of life. The earth is where we came from and where go back into, the one from above and beyond us. Understanding and respecting it is understanding yourself, your purpose and destiny. Vîrstele pămîntului is an album about places of the earth and places of the spirit, about bounds transcending worlds.

The work on the album is schedueled to be completed on a seclusion Negura Bunget will take into the wilderness of the mountains in the following weeks, to concentrate soley on the work for this album, which will be a landmark for its future evolution.

There is also a very special packaging for the album in work. More details about this will be revealed soon. You can expect another handmade, natural and organic concept extending from the music through visuals and packaging.
hello Ben,

the truth is that Negura Bunget started 15 years ago as a trio with Hupogrammos, Negru and Spurcatu.

Hupogrammos was the main songwriter, guitarist and singer
Negru was the drummer and all-around business responsable
Spurcatu was the second guitarist

during the years they hired quite many session musicians to help the band on stage, or to record albums, and some of them are touring with the band since many years.

unfortunately Hupogrammos and Negru had different views and opinions regarding many aspects of the band, and after 15 years of struggle, they decided they cannot continue that way.

Hupogrammos and Spurcatu left Negura Bunget during spring 2009 hoping that Negru will do the same to put the band to rest, but Negru decided to carry on asking 2 long time live members to join the band, then adding new 2 guitarist and a bass player.

It is important to note that Negru is the only owner of the band logo, domain and trademark, the only member of the band who signed the first record contract with code666 back in 2000 and the renewal in 2005, and that for 15 years he managed everything concerning the business/logistical/touring/merchandising aspects of the band, so what he did is not only 100% fair from a legal point of view, but pretty logical to me.

on the other side i can understand why Hupogrammos and Sporcatu are not happy with the situation, and in theirs shoes i would probably be pissed off as well, but now they have a new GREAT band called Dordeduh ( and i'm sure they will continue to make fantastic music, so we'll have TWO great bands instead of one :)

to reply to your question, the actual Negura Bunget line up is:

Corb - Guitars/Vocals (NEW MEMBER)
Spin - Guitars (NEW MEMBER)
Gadinet - Bass (NEW MEMBER)
Inia Dinia - Keyboards (old live member now officially in the band)
Ageru Pamanatului - Vocals/Pipes/Percussions/Xylophone (old live member now officially in the band)
Negru - Drums/Percussions (Founding member)
Negură Bunget - Spirit of the Land - European Tour 2010
Negură Bunget is ready to announce the first details of the 2010 European Tour, entitled Spirit of the Land.
The first part of the tour, schedueled between January 22 and February 7 will be dedicated to our first extended journey throught the Balcans (Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia), while the second, scedueled between March 18 and May 30, will be dedicated to another extensive journey throughout Western Europe.
A scheduele of the tour will be announced the following days. We are looking to complete dates, so if you are interested in arranging a gig, just write us at

Negură Bunget confirmed for Hellfest 2010
We are happy to announce Negură Bunget is confirmed for next year edition od Hellfest.

Negură Bunget - 'N crugu bradului Vinyl
A vinyl version of Negură Bunget's album 'N crugu bradului was released not long ago by Those Opposed Records ( It came out as double LP, with gatefold cover and foldout sheet.