Australia, here I come!


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2001
In a few weeks, I will be going to the beautiful Australia for a year. I am a big fan of heavy metal and I read that Australia isn't a very friendy country for that genre. Do I have to worry about not being able to get the cool metal albums that I seek? Example, I am a big fan of Helloween. If their new album come's out, can I buy it somewhere in the country? I am not to worried about Maiden's new one, but Iced Earth, Savatage, Demons & Wizards???

And what about concerts? Are there some metalconcerts every week or is that also very hard? I know Iron Maiden never comes to Australia, so that's a bummer. Are all the bands the same? Or are there also some cool Australian heavy metal bands?

Of course it would also be cool to get in contact with some australian metalheads.
Originally posted by Rene
In a few weeks, I will be going to the beautiful Australia for a year. I am a big fan of heavy metal and I read that Australia isn't a very friendy country for that genre. Do I have to worry about not being able to get the cool metal albums that I seek? Example, I am a big fan of Helloween. If their new album come's out, can I buy it somewhere in the country? I am not to worried about Maiden's new one, but Iced Earth, Savatage, Demons & Wizards???

And what about concerts? Are there some metalconcerts every week or is that also very hard? I know Iron Maiden never comes to Australia, so that's a bummer. Are all the bands the same? Or are there also some cool Australian heavy metal bands?

Of course it would also be cool to get in contact with some australian metalheads.

You can get all the albums you want here, theres plenty of import shops and so on and noone here has ever had any trouble as far as I can tell, so dont worry about that :)

One of the guys from Dungeon will be able to fill you in on the heavy metal scene here better than I can, but the majority of it is black/death metal, but theres a few great power metal bands as well :headbang:
It's not unfriendly as far as buying albums goes, but don't expect to be going out to see major international acts every weekend.

Also, depending where you're from and where you're going, be prepared to pay for those hard to get imports that spawny mentions.
Which city are you moving to Rene?

Melbourne has a good strong metal scene although it is underground. As far as buying metal albums goes, Metal Mayhem is a shop in Melbourne that gets pretty much everything in, and in Sydney there is Utopia Records which also gets in pretty much any metal stuff I think (although I've never been there coz I'm from Melbourne). There are also other shops that sell lots of metal in Melbourne like Radical Records, Heartland Records, etc.. and there are JB Hi-Fi stores everywhere that have good metal sections at excellent prices. Some of the more obscure bands you won't find at JB, but your stuff like Helloween, Savatage, Iced Earth etc is easy to find at them.

As far as concerts go.... we get very few international metal acts :( Although it is getting better, in 2001 we got Megadeth, Priest, Kiss, Alice Cooper, Slayer, etc etc, last year Edguy and Destruction were here, we have Opeth and The Haunted coming up soon and Kiss on Friday night.

There is a good local scene though, lots of great bands like Dungeon, Vanishing Point, Crimsonfire, Pegazus, Black Majesty, etc. A good thing about the power/traditional/melodic metal bands from Australia is that most of them have more of a unique sound than the European ones. I don't know where you're from, but if you're from Europe you may have heard of Vanishing Point & Pegazus. They're pretty recognised over there now.

As Spawny said, a huge lot of the metal in Australia is thrash/death/grind/black type metal... but there is a whole heap of good power/traditional/melodic metal acts too. Especially in Melbourne.

As far as the import CDs being more expensive etc.... Metal Mayhem sells theirs at the same price as regular locally released CDs. Most albums there are about $28.50 or so... that's in Australian dollars which is normal for a full price album. That'd be about US$15-16 I think. JB Hi-Hi sell their imports usually at $26 or so and they sell heaps of metal at about $13-18 which is about US$7-10 I think.

Hey Rene! Where are you coming from, may I ask!?

The best way to really see what's happening for local metal gigs is 'street press'. In Sydney & surrounding areas Drum Media is the best - it's free from most record stores & has a great gig listing & series of ads for clubs... Melbourne I think is Beat magazine... (Melbournites?)

There's some very very good bands here too! :Spam:

:rolleyes: :lol:
Looks like the Aussie metal scene is about to increase by 10% upon your arrival.. :)
I am from Holland and I can get everything on metal there and metalshows aren't also that hard to find. It's a big relief that there are stores wich buy the metal that I need. I am leaving march 14th and when I arrive in Sydney I will immidiatly go to Utopia Records and buy the new Sonata Arctica! ;)

So first I will go to Sydney and maybe stay there for a month. But I haven't got any idea what to do next, but it will probably be a trip across the shore to Brisbane. Things I want to see is Frasier Island and the other usual (Blue Mountains, Uluru etc.), and I will probably go to Perth too, maybe through the outback. On the way I will have to find work, I hope that shouldn't be a problem.
Errrm. It's not a shore, Rene. You've gotta prepared for that. Australia's bigger than you think.

I've heard stories of people rocking up to Alice Springs and asking how long it would take to Uluru (Ayers Rock). The answer to that is "about a week". (Look it up on the map, if that's meaningless. They look pretty close.)
You are all giving me information that is very usefull, thanks! I will let you know when I am where, I promise. Well, in three weeks I'm in Sydney, so there you go.

I do have to learn the australian slang , but I am working on that ;)
I have no idea where in Sydney I will be. The first four nights are aranged by the organization I am flighing with. I also must figure out where I will go from there. We'll see, no worries.