Australian dudes - Can I work in Australia?


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey sneaperomaniacs!

Those of you who live in Aussieland, how much do you know about foreigners coming there to work?

I'm like... making plans for next autumn because I just feel I can't fucking stay in this grey ass country for another autumn/winter and today I spoke to a couple of friends who said it's really easy to work in Australia. Basically, if you're under 31 and you have approx 5000 AUD in your bank, you can go to Australia with a Work and Holiday visum. Once you get there, all you have to do is head out to the farms and ask for work and they'll have something.

Is it really this easy?
It's a bit hard to get quality jobs here at the moment. We're in that process of outsourcing everything, and bringing in a cheap work force. It's sort of obliterated the prospects for average westerners who expect a decent wage/living.

You can probably still find shitty jobs, like the farm ones you mentioned, but it's going to be pretty back breaking work, and won't pay much.

I've gotta say though I do find it somewhat ironic that you're wanting to come here from Sweden!
Oh man this thread is just ripe for racist boganism masquerading as nationalism.



Haha nice "Fuck off, we're full" :)

It's actually not ironic at all that I'm contemplating this. Quite many swedish young people go to Australia just to live and work there for a little while. Shitty job is exactly what I want for a little while ;) I'd love to gather up bananas or whatever under the blazing hot sun and just live day to day.

You think Sweden is good? How does 25% youth unemployment sound together with the fact that I have good grades and a bachelor's degree in computer science and I still can't get a fucking job at Subway to sell sandwiches even though I'm awesome with customers due to have worked with thousands of them at the theme park during my summer job? Wow, that was an abnormally long sentence.

We Grew Here, You Flew Here! Get the fuck outta my country!

Nah I'm with Ermz. Stay in Sweden. Australia is a 3rd World Country.

Not quite so 3rd world :lol:

Sure, when you've lived your whole life here, you certainly get to see the dark and not so nice side of Aus, but unless you're an indigenous person, you've most likely got it pretty good in this country.
:D I hope I don't have to put a SARCASM sign next to all my posts.

I love Australia. But there are elements to it that we are way behind on.

We don't even have a FTA television station that is Full HD yet. Internet is a joke etc.

(yeah a 3rd world country you couldn't afford a tv)
:D I hope I don't have to put a SARCASM sign next to all my posts.

I love Australia. But there are elements to it that we are way behind on.

We don't even have a FTA television station that is Full HD yet. Internet is a joke etc.

(yeah a 3rd world country you couldn't afford a tv)

Man, if I'll be working on a farm I won't be giving a shit about HD TV! :D But yeah, for those of you who actually live there, I understand. I'm just looking at an opportunity to experience something other than this dull place. I'm in it for the experience and the perspective it will provide me with.
:D I hope I don't have to put a SARCASM sign next to all my posts.

I love Australia. But there are elements to it that we are way behind on.

We don't even have a FTA television station that is Full HD yet. Internet is a joke etc.

(yeah a 3rd world country you couldn't afford a tv)

Yeah, internet is pretty poor for a first world country here.
South Korea has the ol' 100 Mbit/s going on as their top shelf speed.
What's our max here, like 24 Mbit/s on ADSL2+? And shit, I don't even know anyone that has that speed.
I think luxuries like that are the least of our problems. Yeah, everything here is too expensive, entertainment services and telecom infrastructure are way under par, but there are much, much greater problems, mostly relating to the long-term degeneration of the nation at play.
yep. Australia is becoming a nanny state. where the government is taking too much control over things and personal responsibility is becoming a thing of the past.
