Stress that comes with a 9-5 work week

Working doing something you don't enjoy sucks. I've done lots of jobs. Constrction worker, factory line working with nasty chemicals, doing landscape type stuff outdoors. They all sucked but they were money.
I've been making a living doing sound work for 2 years now. Between recording and live work I've scraped a living but I've not paid taxes or on the books which isn't ideal but impossible to do with the situation I'm in. It's good to be doing the work but it's horrible when you get to quiet patches like I am right now. I'm gonna have to try get on the social welfare this week cause 2 jobs fell through and I can't make rent and bills and I can't live like this anymore.
I'd still much prefer this to working a 9-5 that I hate. I will never work on a construction site or a factory again. ever.

Also on the "Irish" thing. Where were you born? If it's in the US then you are American not Irish, unless you spent a significant portion of your life here you ain't Irish! Your parents being Irish does not count!