Australian metal bands appreciation thread.

Oh my god yes. I saw the end of their set at The Factory in January and was like "yea, these guys are pretty awesome", but jesus christ they fucking killed on Friday. Possibly one of the most tightest and greatest live shows i've ever seen.
My votes go to the following (I'm predominately into grind and stoner shit at the moment);

4 Dead, Agents of Abhorrence, Beyond Terror Beyond Grace, Boonhorse, Captain Cleanoff, Cuntscrape, Dining in Tuscany, Excruciate, Five Star Prison Cell, Fuck... I'm Dead, Helm, Hospital the Musical, LOG, Looking Glass, Maximum Perversion, Mothers Mars, Pod People, Space Bong, Super Fun Happy Slide, The Day Everything Became Nothing, The Kill and The Rivalry.
You should all check out and appreciate one of the countries most impressive young Thrash Metal bands, FORGERY.
These guys are proudly wearing old school influences on their sleeves (or sleeveless vests as it may be) and i predict big things from them.

I also appreciate that they didn't beat up my flat too badly the other week too.
Very much appreciated!:lol:
A couple of cool bands from down in Adelaide:


Those guys recently trecked up to Wagga and Sydney and although crowds were small they were as big as any band i've seen in our local scene!!:notworthy



ARCADIA are making their debut Sydney appearance on New Years Eve at our huge end of year show too. Check them out.:rock: