Australian Metal For 2003

Heh, I'd like to see The Wolves bring out their CD... er... *cough*

Looking forward to Infernal Method's full length, plus Alarum's. I'd like to see Daysend live up to the hype... I don't understand how these guys have shot up the ranks so quickly to be given something like The Haunted support.

Would like to see Damaged get a new one out this year, I know they've already written quite a lot for it, and it'll be interesting now that Mohawk's back in the band. Wanna hear the new full-length Blood Duster too. MUST HEAR THE NEW PSYCROPTIC DISC TOO! AAARGHHH!!

Want more live shows from: Alarum, Psycroptic, Fuck... I'm Dead!, Mindsnare, Dungeon, Virgin Black, Alchemist, The Wolves, Abramelin, Steel Affliction, and I dunno who else... #1 band I want to see tour is Meshuggah.
Fuck'n oath man. I await impatiently on nearly all the bands you mentioned.
So keen to hear something new from Mindsnare. Their last tour up here in Brisbane was intense to say the least.
And I must hear Fuck...I'm Dead. I've heard alot of good things about them. And unfortunately they have remained unheard to these ears.
Infernal Methods first full lengther will be very interesting to hear.
Damaged's new disk will be a fucking corker, although I thought Purified In Pain was average. They can do fucking better than that. Lets hope the newie will be testament to this.
As for Meshuggah touring Australia. I'll be the first to get fucking tickets in Brisbane.
Originally posted by Chow Mai Dong
I'd like to see Daysend live up to the hype... I don't understand how these guys have shot up the ranks so quickly to be given something like The Haunted support

Two words... Nik Tropiano.

I'm personally dieing to hear Infernal Method's full length, even if I have to beg Grahame for an instrumental only version since Joss has been given the boot! :lol:

As for Apolyom....

We plan on gigging as often as we possibly can. We have three shows lined up in the next month, and there's talk of a tour with Descend.... but that is only talk at the moment.

Depending on how things go gig wise and music wise we may go into the studio later this year to record another EP to have all our current material recorded or even bring in the fresh stuff we've been writing recently (which is quite different to what we play now) on a full length album.
Originally posted by Apolyom-Todd
Two words... Nik Tropiano.

Well if the band members all have a reputation for being good at what they do (taking into considering their past bands) then in a way it's understandable, but for a band that's hardly done much it seems a little unfair to all the bands that've been slugging it out for years to give a support slot for a band like The Haunted to them. Either way I'm still looking forward to hearing them if and when they make it down to Melbourne

I'm personally dieing to hear Infernal Method's full length, even if I have to beg Grahame for an instrumental only version since Joss has been given the boot! :lol:

Er no shit?! What's the story behind that??
Originally posted by Chow Mai Dong
Well if the band members all have a reputation for being good at what they do (taking into considering their past bands) then in a way it's understandable, but for a band that's hardly done much it seems a little unfair to all the bands that've been slugging it out for years to give a support slot for a band like The Haunted to them. Either way I'm still looking forward to hearing them if and when they make it down to Melbourne

Despite that fact that I'm mates with everyone in that band and their manager, I thought it was a bit much that they got the support too, considering at the time the announcement was made, they'd only played once and didn't have a singer. On the other hand, all the members' previous bands had pretty good reputations as live and touring acts. Daysend itself has only just formed, but all the members have been slugging it out for years in other bands, so in that respect they probably deserve it as much as any band does. It's not the first time a band's won a prestigious gig on reputation alone, and it won't be the last.
Originally posted by Goreripper
You know Todd, in some places they shoot people for spilling the beans like that.


Oh, I thought it was quite common knowledge... my bad!

And I don't think I'll be shot... but... fucking hell! Grahame's got my cymbals with him! That bastard sends 'em back cracked and he's in for an arse kicking... well at least a good talking to anyway! :lol: