Australian Prog MeloDeath "Be'lakor" interested in playing ProgPower


They are friends of mine from Australia, called Be'lakor. They are Progressive MeloDeath. In the past few years they have gained quite a large following around the Eastern Hemisphere by touring Europe and Australia, and playing Summerbreeze 2010. They have 2 albums released, and a 3rd in the final stages of preproduction. They are looking for an entry into the US market, and believe that ProgPower would the perfect entry way.

Just a side note, concerning popularity, they have 600,000 listens on, 6,000 facebook fans and 14,000 myspace friends.

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Sounds awesome! The best way to get Glenn's attention about a band is to send him an official copy of the latest album. At least that's what he's said in the past. I'm sure he gets bombarded with cds, e-mails, youtubes, etc etc so perhaps you can do something to make yours stand out. I plan to send him a disc from a Brazilian band but I'm going to include more than just the cd. Perhaps you can get the band's press kit to send along with too. I would imagine the more you put into the package, the more it will stand out as serious and professional :)
Sounds awesome! The best way to get Glenn's attention about a band is to send him an official copy of the latest album. At least that's what he's said in the past. I'm sure he gets bombarded with cds, e-mails, youtubes, etc etc so perhaps you can do something to make yours stand out. I plan to send him a disc from a Brazilian band but I'm going to include more than just the cd. Perhaps you can get the band's press kit to send along with too. I would imagine the more you put into the package, the more it will stand out as serious and professional :)

im thinking the guys are waiting until their new albums is done so the press kit can be up to date one. ill try and talk them into sending copies of all 3 albums and maybe a shirt for glenn (what size man?)
Here's an update from Be'lakor copied from an e-mail they sent out recently.

Greetings everyone,

We'll keep this one nice and short.
As we spend the next couple of months finalising work on our third album (to be recorded in January 2012) we are happy to share with you a live recording of one of the new songs that will feature on the album.

The track is called "Fraught," and was filmed at our recent show in Melbourne. Hope you guys like it!


Feel free to share link with others, post it on forums, or submit the news about it to any metal websites you may frequent.

And thanks again for your ongoing support. We can't wait to release this new album next year. \m/
