

Master Exploder
So I am just wrapping up reading I Am Ozzy at the moment which I have really enjoyed, and am wondering what other bios you guys recommend? I read Iommi's Iron Man before this one, and I have Mustaine to pick up when I am done with Ozzy. I have heard a million times that The Dirt is the pick of musician bios, and I know that not being a huge Crue fan won't matter too much, but it has been what has put me off picking it up. I will at some point. Marilyn Manson's book was another that I really enjoyed.

I guess recommendations don't have to be bio or music related, I just don't seem to get into fiction too much.
I just finished Walk This Way by Aerosmith a couple of weeks ago. That was a good read. I hadn't read another one for a while before that. The Dirt is good, even if you're not a massive fan.
I highly recommend Duff's it's so easy and other lies that was a great read, Steven Adlers wasn't too bad either, rambled on in places as to be expected I think.