Hey gang....
Say have any of u guys managed to read the official maiden biog yet...??? Im half way through and i cant put it down...!!! What an awesome thing.... these guys were bound for mega-stardom from day one...!!!
You gotta read it... well worth the money...350 pages of full on words...!!
Though the maiden one is totally wicked so far.... you guys gotta get MOTLEY CRUE THE DIRT...!! even if u dont like the band...check out the book... THESE GUYS WERE ROCK AND ROLL FARKIN ANIMALS....!!!! ( p.s..i dont mind the odd crue number...the live dvd is farkin awesome...best quality ive heard BY FAR..here in oz region 4 dvds anyhow...!!)
Man...some of the stories these guys got up to is unbelievable.... even claims nicki sixx farked bruce's missus in a toilet at some show they did together.... and the stories with ozzy.. OUCH!!! And the amount of drugs and sex sex sex...!!!!!
CHECK EM OUT... i NEVER read...and read motley 450 fat pages in 4 days.... couldnt stop.....!!!!
P.s... im hanging for the clairvoyant..... and while were at it....how bout the evil that men do.... great number..>!!!?? Anyone...???
Rock hard lads....

Say have any of u guys managed to read the official maiden biog yet...??? Im half way through and i cant put it down...!!! What an awesome thing.... these guys were bound for mega-stardom from day one...!!!
You gotta read it... well worth the money...350 pages of full on words...!!
Though the maiden one is totally wicked so far.... you guys gotta get MOTLEY CRUE THE DIRT...!! even if u dont like the band...check out the book... THESE GUYS WERE ROCK AND ROLL FARKIN ANIMALS....!!!! ( p.s..i dont mind the odd crue number...the live dvd is farkin awesome...best quality ive heard BY FAR..here in oz region 4 dvds anyhow...!!)
Man...some of the stories these guys got up to is unbelievable.... even claims nicki sixx farked bruce's missus in a toilet at some show they did together.... and the stories with ozzy.. OUCH!!! And the amount of drugs and sex sex sex...!!!!!
CHECK EM OUT... i NEVER read...and read motley 450 fat pages in 4 days.... couldnt stop.....!!!!
P.s... im hanging for the clairvoyant..... and while were at it....how bout the evil that men do.... great number..>!!!?? Anyone...???
Rock hard lads....