

Aug 11, 2010
I was wondering for automating vocals is it better to do it pre effects or after effects? if i do it after effects. should i run some light compression after the automation to level it out? what about limiting i find it works fairly well but ive heard its not the best for that and that automation is better i just hate automating in reaper :/
i do a bit of both. try to get it at a fairly consistant volume before FX, this usually means doing nothing if it was a good vocalist. but you know, sometimes you get dudes that are all over the place in volume, so get them all into a ballpark area so they hit the compressor at a average level, to avoid over compressing the louder ones and under compressing the softer.

then i'd do subtractive EQ and de-essing before compression, and any boosts after. limit every track then limit the bus. once im there its usually only automating spots where there are highs and lows at the same time, and +/- 1db throughout.