Autumn - My New Time


makes you eat dead things
Aug 21, 2007
grendel's mothers cave
Autumn - My New Time
Metal Blade - 085-105482 - 7th May 2007
By Axemaiden


In all honesty, I must admit that I haven’t always been a huge fan of Autumn’s work. I found that although the first couple of albums were technically very good, they also fitted a little too easily into the female-fronted goth metal genre and hadn’t even begun to fulfil their full potential. I wanted to review this album to see how the band were doing and I’m happy to say I absolutely loved it. The group have completely expanded their musical attitude and now cannot be comfortably classed within any particular musical ‘style’. They blend powerful metal riffs with delicate piano harmonies, a hint of electro new wave and intricate power metal solos. They also seem to draw upon Smashing Pumpkins-esque influences with their use of minor chords and strange ethereal effects and this ensures that the album has a distinct edge to it which I believe their previous ones lacked. The biggest highlight of the album however is Nienke’s voice. Her contemplative lyrics blend perfectly with her deep haunting harmonies and this album represents some of her best vocal work yet, which sees her pushing far more boundaries than in the earlier releases.

This album is definitely at its best when you’ve reached that philosophical time of night and hopefully the band will progressively improve with each future offering.

Official Autumn Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website