Available for reviews

Lord Of The Void

Oct 27, 2002
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Sure, I'm. I'm also a writer for the most important italian metal magazine. Doesn't matter for what web-zine I'll write, but i want write!:lol: I'd prefer an extreme 'zine. Let me know if someone is looking for me!;) Bye!!!
I'm always looking for good writers on my site. We cover doom/stoner/metal/rock. Absolutely NO nu-metal. So please don't tell me about Mushroomhead.

If you have knowledge of indie labels and the underground scene, we could use a writer.

If you are interested, send a sameple to me. E-mail is below.
On http://www.metaljudgment.com we have over 5 million hits, and have over 50,000 subscribers worldwide. There is over 20 writers for our webzine not including sponsors. I cover all Extreme Death Metal and some specific Black Metal, and do occasional classic reviews, as well as Interviews for http://www.metalupdate.com....If you take the time to read reviews on Metal Judgment you will quickly figure out that there is some Nu-Metal reviewed, but there are different people reviewing their own style of Metal. In addition, stoner rock is not considered extreme metal, with me, or within the metal community...give or take very few bands....
That is an extremely short-sightened definition and pigeon hole of 'stoner rock' . First let me just say that bands on the Southern Lord roster are considered and lumped under 'stoner rock' as are Rwake, Cable, etc. These are metal bands. I really think it highly unfair of you to make a judgement on my site without ever having looked at it, viewed what we discuss, etc.

And if you cover all sorts of metal, then you. above all people, should know that 'stoner' can be used to describe bands as far back as hawkwind and as 'extreme' as Khanate.

And I am part of the metal community and it is considered metal by many. High on Fire, not metal, Place of Skulls, not metal? I think you have it wrong my friend. As well, you do a huge disservice to metal in all it's forms by being so stingent.

Open your mind. Extreme metal is not the ONLY metal. And don't you cover nu-metal? Now that is NOT metal.
As I have previously stated: I DO NOT COVER ALL FORMS OF METAL...I will say it again, since you did not read my post...I was not directing my reply towards you to begin with, but anyway. I COVER ONLY EXTREME DEATH METAL, SOME BLACK METAL, AND SOME CLASSICS (on Metal Judgment that is)....That is all...The O-T-H-E-R reviewers on the site review their own shit (stoner, doom, power, sludge, emo etc...) and some of it happens to be Nu-Metal. That is something I DO NOT partake in.

I was not directing anything towards your site, in fact, I have not even looked at it, as of yet. I have a definite idea of what Metal is [I}to me[/I] , and what Metal means to me may not be the same as someone else, as I have proved my point. You consider stoner rock to be something completely different to what I consider it to be. Simple as that.