Avenged Sevenfold live DVD

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Any of you guys hear or have this? They sound amazing live! The mix is fantastic, very rocky drums and loud bass guitar, and the vocals are amazing (unlike Dream Theater..LaBrie sounded perfect when I saw them live but the DVD..ugh). Visuals are nice too ;)


I've only heard it on MySpace and Youtube for now, I'm gonna try download it and might buy it depending on the quality. Sounds damn nice, and its great to hear the songs in better quality than the last album, goddamn that was a bad mix. Drums sounded like boxes. /spew
Got this DVD the other day. Really impressed with the singers projection, too many vocalists sing to the mic, whereas he's singing to the room, if you get what I'm saying. Though he can be pretty nasal at times.

Great guitar sound too.
I watched the 'Scream' video.

Great sound, I personally like the band.

I don't like those editing where images jump so fast between a frame to another (it creates false sense of movement and you can't concentrate on anything -being it the girls, the instruments, etc...).

I noticed an odd thing: with how many sticks plays the drummer?!?! It seems like two or three on each hand.

Did you see it?
sounds like pre production recordings polished up a bit and synced to proshot video to me. I like this band but it sounds fake like so many bands do their live dvds these days. Add some reverb and crowd noise and boom.
I hate the music. I like the singer's voice though. I always have. theyre just too 'wannabe' for me. just my opinion. Im gonna hold out for the Dimmu dvd ;)
The quality is awesome and the musicianship is awesome, but fuck they are boring. I wouldnt pay to go see that show with such a low level of intensity and movement.
I hate the music. I like the singer's voice though. I always have. theyre just too 'wannabe' for me. just my opinion. Im gonna hold out for the Dimmu dvd ;)

I'm not arguing or trying to start an internet fight. just a chat....

what is wannabe about them ?
I think they are doing it, not wanting to do it.
what if they like the way they sound ?
what if they accomplished their goal ?

They are just like you and me. started a band. wrote some music. did their thing. no conspiracy

but they got famous, sold a ton of cds and toured the world. prolly doing better than most other bands you and I listen to.

We all cant like every band and it seems the internet has made it easy for everyone to be a hater. shruggs. myself included . I think music would be boring after awhile if i had a set of rules that made bands good and if they deviate then I cant listen and appreciate them. Variety is a good thing. your friends might find out yea but they are probably doing the same thing and listening behind your back too.
I'm not arguing or trying to start an internet fight. just a chat....

what is wannabe about them ?
I think they are doing it, not wanting to do it.
what if they like the way they sound ?
what if they accomplished their goal ?

They are just like you and me. started a band. wrote some music. did their thing. no conspiracy

but they got famous, sold a ton of cds and toured the world. prolly doing better than most other bands you and I listen to.

We all cant like every band and it seems the internet has made it easy for everyone to be a hater. shruggs. myself included . I think music would be boring after awhile if i had a set of rules that made bands good and if they deviate then I cant listen and appreciate them. Variety is a good thing. your friends might find out yea but they are probably doing the same thing and listening behind your back too.

I know you didn;t ask me, but..

If I or anyone else wants to hate.... I think I should be allowed to hate whoever the hell I want. For whatever reason I want. If I'm jealous of so and so and I want to show hostility towards them, why not? HYPOTHETICALLY of course. :)

I'm just tired of people telling me to " stop hatin" Like shit. I'll hate who I want to hate! I know I sound like a bitter prick and hey guess what? I am ha ha ha! Work sucks and I take it out on the interwebz.
I agree with points you both brought up.

Oh yeah, another reason im not into them...chick haircuts...WTF.
Thats not metal to me, hahaha. I love seeing bands , even on a local level, that try to be all baddass in their chick jeans and girly haircuts. Its funny.
Image and music shouldnt mix. Ok, let me clarify that. FASHION & music shouldnt mix. It pains me to think that its "fashion" but whatever.
I know you didn;t ask me, but..

If I or anyone else wants to hate.... I think I should be allowed to hate whoever the hell I want. For whatever reason I want. If I'm jealous of so and so and I want to show hostility towards them, why not? HYPOTHETICALLY of course. :)

I'm just tired of people telling me to " stop hatin" Like shit. I'll hate who I want to hate!

+1. This Band suck!.
i've liked them since their second album, mainly cause their lead guitarist is phenomenal. but i can see how a lot of people consider them poseurs. i bought this concert and on the packaging it said that there are no overdubs on this dvd... so take that!:heh:
Great mix, but based on any actual live footage I've seen of these guys, this performance is almost completely replaced after the fact in studio. Same song, different show, no overdubs:

Still a cool band with some great vocals and guitar solos.
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@Kazrog, ugh oh my jesus christ listen at 3:35. That's embarassing. The verse vocals are absolutely terrible, and overall its a little loose. I prefer to live in my world of fantasy where everything is perfect ;p

also, not wanting to be hostile to anyone or whatever, but to who said Music and Fashion shouldn't mix, so why should they dress like they do.. don't you think you're being a little hypocritical, attacking them because they dress to suit their audience, instead of dressing as a 'normal' metal-head would, which is also a fashion in itself. I think its hypocritical to say music and fashion shouldn't mix and then say you hate them because of how they look. Just my opinion, I get bored watching live performances so the music is all that I really pay attention to.
@Kazrog, ugh oh my jesus christ listen at 3:35. That's embarassing.

Every bit of unedited live footage I've seen of them has something like this go on, or worse. I dig their albums, but I can't fully respect a band who can't hack it live.

Their guitar solos are excellent in the studio and horrible live, to an extent that makes me wonder who's really playing/writing the solos on the studio albums. The vibrato and everything is completely different live - almost like they are totally different guitarists than the ones playing on the albums. Sure, Pro Tools is a powerful editing platform, but most producers I know prefer to get a session guitarist who can nail it right away, rather than spend hours slicing up bits and pieces into something usable.