Awesome Intro I'm working on for a client - Opinions?

That sounds really good man! what did you use for the strings? i like the reverb/ambient stuff, I struggle to get that atmosphere :rofl: What is the introduction to for? It's hard to comment without that in mind but regardless, it sounds awesome.
Thanks :)
The strings are a Kontakt Library called Cinematic Strings. They are incredible to begin with. And for the ambience a lot of it comes from the patches i used in Native Instruments FM8. Then I sent everything to an aux channel with a very bright and wide sounding reverb.

And I have no Idea what it will be going into yet. The band hasnt even been here to track for the EP yet but when they do we will find an apropriatte song to follow it and mix the two accordingly
I think it was wise to take out the clock-ish thingie and integrate the reverse build up. Is the pause intended to be right before the next track, or are you planning in skipping the pause and going straight to the song? I hope the band likes it cuz its sounding beastly. Kudos!
Thanks for the kind words man! And as far as the pause goes, i guess it just really depends on their music. I'll have to wait and see when we're done tracking if there are any songs that come in with a lot of power and the right temp. I'll probably leave the pause but who knows.