Awesome songs no one else likes and/or knows about.


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Apr 14, 2005
Not just "good" or "you should check this out" but "THIS IS THE SHIT! Why doesn't everyone exalt this?".

I'll do three:

Iron Maiden - "Public Enema Number One"

Sick song from an underrated album. Very soulful.

Holocaust - "Hypnosis of Birds"

There really isn't any other song like this in metal. Lots of meaning behind the lyrics and the driving guitar, something missing in a lot music in general. Yet to a tee, every metalhead I mention this song to has no fucking clue who I am talking about.

Danzig - "End of Time"

Love the intro, and the feeling of dread and finality the whole song emanates. I always think Cthulhu when I hear this song for some reason. Danzig gets a lot of shit, some deserved, some not, but I think he did good with this song.

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I'll do 3 also:

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

Super fun technical death/thrash

Antidote - Symphony of Death

Completely manic speed/thrash accelerating as it goes, from one of my favorite albums. Perfect length for a thrash song and climaxes at the right time.

Ansur - An Exercise in Depth of Field

Bizarre prog metal, just the way I like it. I mean, there's a bluegrass hoedown halfway through the song. This is for old fans of Dream Theater's Metropolis Pt. 1 who have moved on to extreme prog with harsh vocals.
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Danzig - "End of Time"

Love the intro, and the feeling of dread and finality the whole song emanates. I always think Cthulhu when I hear this song for some reason. Danzig gets a lot of shit, some deserved, some not, but I think he did good with this song.
That whole album is awesome imo.

Couple from me that most people here won't like:

Coprofago - Time Zero

Chilean tech-death, Meshuggah-esque but much dirtier and with fretless bass and jazz fusion bits. The sound of the off-time low grooves is something to behold and I can't do a whole album of it but I think this song rules.

Serious Beak - Tuī / Tuō

Instrumental prog from Sydney, strange band, totally ambitious and somewhat out of their playing depth but it's got so much good riffage and dynamics going on that they somehow pull it off.

Gojira - The Art of Dying

I'm not massively into this band but this song is fucking incredible. Gargantuan and epic everything.
Def Leppard - "Sorrow is a Woman"

Before their superior sophomore semi-metallic album, and before they sold out, they had a great hard rock debut. This song holds all the great aspects of the band. Never understood why I don't hear this on the classic rock radio today.

Judas Priest - "Run of the Mill"

I have probably talked about this song way too much on this forum, but nonetheless, this is an utterly fantastic song buried in their early catalog. Vocals, subject matter, and the insane solo work here just puts this at the pinnacle of music itself.

Rush - "Garden Road"

An unreleased song from their The Fifth Order of Angels bootleg. This song easily defeats anything off of their debut album and is more potent and energetic than just about anything else they put out. A perfect combination of their earlier frenetic work and their more polished prime era. Unreal that this was never released.

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Pentagram - Much Too Young to Know. Tucked away on a 2-disc compilation so doesn't get as many plays as it should:

English Dogs - The Eye of Shamahn. On account of being thrash played by a punk band, overlooked by fans of both genres:
I should have clicked on this thread earlier, Public Enema Number One is one of my favorite Iron Maiden songs and Hypnosis of Birds is easily one of the most underrated/overlooked metal albums out there. Oh, and yeah Run of the Mill is definitely one of Priest's best too.

I'll listen to more of the others posted above, but to add a few...

Coroner - Shifter

Fuckin' groove. I love all periods of Coroner, but this really should have been the continuation of the Grin sound. It's a little hard to describe how simultaneously chill and malicious this song about being a servant of a serial pedophile rapist/murderer comes off, like Dark Angel went big into that with Time Does Not Heal and it just comes off as a little silly, but Coroner better than any other thrash metal band could write riffs that get stuck in your head while being very intricate, and put you right into the story they're telling no matter what it was about.

Fates Warning - Face the Fear

One of the later tracks on probably their most ignored and filler-accused albums, and I adore it. Introspection and prettiness was already kind of the direction Fates Warning was taking in the 90s, but compared to some of their more mellow ones, this has a jangly romantic vibe that reminds me of watching the Yu Yu Hakusho credits when I was 10 years old of all things, Ferris wheels and carnivals and shit, maybe this can't even be called metal which is why it sounds novel to me, but whatevs.

Queensryche - Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)

People that say Rage for Order is boring and removed all the USPM influence of the debut are fucking morons. What it did was take all those trad/power elements and craft them into a masterpiece of metal-noir. This particular song is one of the faster and heavier songs, but seems to get neglected as a filler. I love it though, the way that earlier riff kind of gallops at first but then sustains that chord, with the sort of chanted backing vocals and fancy effects underneath, it's like it took to flight and is coasting around the burning skyline of rioters fighting the man. And then it brings you into the fight head-first, "IF WE! DON'T! STAND! TOGETHER!", pretty dynamic and aggressive for them. As much as I usually don't like their lyrics, even there the whole thing comes together so perfectly.
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Metallica - Fixxxer

Being a massive metallica fan, it makes me happy to see other people recognize what a beast of a song Fixxxer is, and what a helluva album closer. Easily one of my favs even though I'm an old, old, old school fan.

My first post contributions:

Unashamed Sabbath worship. These guys are amazing.

Just found them the other day, what a melody.

This entire album is amazing. Just a fun ride start to finish.

And these guys are probably my favorite band right now. Sooooo effin' hard to pick just one of their songs:

Also, hello everyone! \m/(-_-)\m/
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Pestilence - "Mindwarp / Stigmatized / In Sorrow"

I had to put all three together given the nature of the album and how they all flow (perfectly) into each other. Really, there are about a dozen Pestilence songs I could have put here (in my opinion, Pestilence was just never properly appreciated), but "Stigmatized" and its intro/outro are just one hell of a way to close an album. The songwriting, the real melodic, and then psycho lead work, the riffing... fuck, even the keyboards all add up to a perfect fucking song. Twenty years plus, by the end of this sequence I still get goosebumps. Patrick Uterwijk seems to be a bit of an unsung guitar hero in that Mameli gets the credit for the album, but Uterwijk seems to be writing a lot of the shit here as well, and he is playing twin guitar attack with Mameli and does a damn good job. This choice does not really meet the criteria of songs no one likes and/or knows about, but it is so underrated that it probably does need to be here.

Immortal - "Wrath From Above"

A jewel in black metal's crown, I think Immortal best displays their abilities when they play straight forward death metal. This is probably the best of those examples. Nasty riffing, venomous vocals, and lead work to boot, this is a great song.

Exodus - "Thorn in My Side"

A second-tier thrash band, they never had that breakout album to push them into the front, and they had an excess of talent to do it. Zetro always had a menacing voice, and the Holt/Hunolt tag team was one of the tightest and best in existence. Here, they display all their best qualities in one crystallized, well-crafted song. Very few bands could even attempt to create a song like this. They got a video out of this song and some airplay on MTv, but because it was Force of Habit was not that breakout album, it was ignored. This song never got the credit it was due.

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