Awesome songs no one else likes and/or knows about.

Black Sabbath - "Thrill of It All"

Even the Gods themselves have hidden gems. For some reason, no one ever brings this song up. When people think of Sabotage, they think of "Hole in the Sky" or "Symptom of the Universe", but this song blows both of those away. I have never heard a live version of it. Nevertheless, this song kicks ass. It has such a wild vibe running through it. It sounds like Iommi is having fun. Ozzy is whacked out, as usual.

Possessed - "Phantasm"

The (humble opinion) superior sophomore album considered inferior by the masses because of a bad production job (never before or since have such great vocals been so fucking wrecked) and an interjection of thrash metal from a band that basically invented death metal, Beyond the Gates has some of the best songwriting in metal itself. This song exemplifies that extremely well, and would have served well as a single.

Running Wild - "Prisoner of Our Time"

Fun riff! The lead breaks here are even more fun. Not really a forgotten song, but more of a forgotten band.

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Y&T - "Lonely Side of Town"

After their hit album Earthshaker and before their MTV period, Y&T had a succession of "meh" albums. Not really bad, but not really memorable. However, tucked away in Mean Streak is this awesome song. Controlled by changing riffs over well-constructed leads, "Lonely Side of Town" has a hard edge that never gets boring or old. Along with the fact that the lyrics talk about something other than death, love, pussy, or getting wasted, the song is really quite brilliant.

Slayer - "Haunting the Chapel"

Hard to say Slayer should be represented here due to their massive influence and legions of psycho-fans. However, this song seems to get passed over a lot for the two previous songs on the EP, which is a shame given that some of Slayer's (and therefore all of metal's) best work is displayed here. The riffs, lyrics, and vocals are just killer, but the song is propelled over the top by its end half of Hanneman/King soloing (When you break the soloing down, it is some of the best ever put out in terms of quality composition) over Lombardo beating the shit out of that drum! It should be noted here that "Ice Titan" could also have been placed here, since until recently, it was unreleased and really just as good, or "Night Rider" which is still unreleased and features a drum solo in the middle of it. Both are killer songs (with piss poor quality recordings) and should be checked out by any Slayer fans if they hadn't already heard them.

Hey, bonus songs!

Scorpions - "Longing for Fire"

Moving along without Michael's influence, Roth seems to have no problems taking command on this album. However, this ditty at the back end of the album hearkens more towards a Rush feel in the rhythm guitar/lead bass work as the song kicks off, to its poignant soloing. Just a beautiful piece of work not repeated in the Scorpions catalog of excellent music.

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Really? You think no one likes or knows Haunting the Chapel when it's one of the best known and critically acclaimed metal EPs?

Are we talking about the song or the EP? The song itself didn't get as much concert play during touring as the other two, and I semi-rarely hear people "critically acclaim" it. I think it is better than "Chemical Warfare" and "Captor of Sin", but I also think I am in the minority there.

Again, "Ice Titan" or "Night Rider" might have been a better choice given the title of the thread, but...
I meant the entire EP, it's one of the most critically acclaimed EPs of all time. I don't think it's better than Chemical Warfare or Captor of Sin. You're right that the song does not get played in concert very often, last time they played it in 2003. The EP, as a whole, is in my top 3 Slayer releases.
Revisiting three bands already mentioned...

Iron Maiden - "Total Eclipse"

Thrown onto the Run to the Hills EP instead of the Number of the Beast release, this Clive Burr entry might not have even been known by some fans until it was placed as a bonus track on Number of the Beast in later releases, or caught in a live show (or at least until the internet came along). That would have been a shame too since this well-crafted song easily competes with the very best of any song on any album they released. Opening with a rather unique riff until settling down into something rather predictable, the great highlight of this track are the interesting lyrics and the amazing vocal performance of Dickinson. As soon as Dickinson entered the band, his voice began to deteriorate. Fortunately, they did this song early!

Judas Priest - "Love Zone"

The problem with Ram it Down is that, given any particular track, either the lyrics/vocals suck, or the music sucks... save for one track. "Love Zone" is actually pretty god damn balls to the wall at such a late stage in their career, and given that it is just kind of thrown into the mix with the other tracks on the album, I don't think it has ever really been appreciated as a track that stands on its own. Guitars are just wailing here (amazing trade off, then dual lead to boot), and, Halford is shrieking out all hes got. It actually competes well with anything from their discography.

Scorpions - "Arizona"

A song about girls who swing. Fucking crazy, but one should easily have taken that away by looking at the album cover. The riffing and its following groove between the guitars is instantly catchy and fun. I am not so sure that this is overlooked, but rarely do I hear people talk about it.

Songs no one likes or knows about. Thread is full of iron maiden, black sabbath, scorpions, slayer and priest. From famous albums no less. Wtf

Well, guilty, but I do give a brief expo as to why they are there. Whether it is justified or not...
I like Love Zone, but what's wrong with Hard As Iron?

Confound Games might be my second favorite behind Confused Mind, both are perfect thrash metal songs. I think their most overlooked song is No Need to Justify off of Cracked Brain though (or pretty much anything off of that album).
I'd say it's their most technical album overall, although I'd admit that Sign of Fear is probably their single most ambitious song. Just listen to Time Must End or Rippin You Off Blind; a lot of those riffs would fit in perfectly fine on Coroner's No More Color. imo Destruction put more effort into songwriting than nearly any other thrash band from the period of Sentence of Death (which, while sloppy, still has some crazy convoluted riffing) up to Cracked Brain.
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Just re-listened to Time Must End and yeah, it's pretty good stuff, if not quite up there with the best of Release from Agony. No thrash album quite matches Coma of Souls for songwriting excellence, though.