awesome things about people

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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the girl I'm dating:

- admitted she wanted to learn to play d&d after watching that freaks & geeks episode, then borrowed my player's handbook for over a week and made 2 characters

- called in sick today and borrowed my keys so she can play the Ocarina of Time all day (she started last night and got to the part where you have to sneak in the castle after the Deku Tree dungeon)

- helps me give my cat his medicine
greg massi:

- unabashed love of wrestling and iced earth/blind guardian

- knocks stuff over all the time but thinks it's funny (I think)

- amazing guitar player

- delightful fella all-around. always has something nice to say.
my boss:

- has 4 dogs and 2 cats

- has a stepson that has 'cradle of filth' written in white out on his backpack

- sticks up for us when other departments bitch at or about us

- swears like a sailor
my friend:

-doesn't bother me/ask too much about my medical conditions
-accepts my family's traditions and doesn't tell me to "just sneak out and do it" for stuff I'm not allowed to do
-offered to share his lunch with me
-has great musical taste
my gf:

-freely admits having handled horse-cock
-doesn't mind listening to Diabolical Masquerade in the morning
-is as good, if not better, a translator than I am
-enjoys a good spanking
Medical conditions are private. Trust me; it's not a pretty thing and people can judge me harshly cause of it, so I'm not saying. I do need meds for it though.

As for family traditions, my family is eccentric and quite odd. They don't let me date or hang out with guys they don't know. So going out with this guy is a little of a risk. He asked me to a movie and also if I was going to any concerts. I said that I couldn't and he didn't bring it up any further/ask me to sneak out, etc.
The Dope said:
What, did she work as a vet or something?

That would make it more socially acceptable, wouldn't it...

Nah, she used to work on a stables (actually, she still does, just not as often) and they were breeding horses and *apparently* sometimes the stallion gets over-excited and zealous and sorta forgets where to stick'is beast... So someone has to be the "guide", someone's gotta "shoulder the cannon".
my best friend

- cracks me up at least 15 times a day, minimum
- is a complete STD hypochondriac to the point of calling me 2+ times a day about potential symptoms he is manifesting.
- moved to NYC to hang out with me for an entire year because i was seriously ill. gave up his whole life going on elsewhere.
- is going to name his first kid after freddy the rabbit.
that's a good friend, minx.

I think mousewings needs to be rescued by a mysterious stranger who moves to her community and upsets the entire status quo.
my wife:
- asks to watch ATHF at 11pm each night
- likes trying new restaurants with interesting food
- has helped with the birth of friends' babies at least 3 times, losing a full night or more of sleep each time (and will be doing it twice more in the coming 2 months)
- never listened to death metal yet went to ND shows in at least 6 different states