AXE FX goes software


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Cliff C said:
"Everything is in there. All the reverbs, compressors, harmonizer, etc. We're probably going to sell a base version and then offer add-on packs. The base version will have amps, cabs, reverb, delay, etc. Then there'll be the "Studio Pack" which will have multi-band compressor, vocoder, etc.

We copied the whole grid-based routing theme as well. So it won't be a virtual rack like the other products. The main interface is the grid. You click on a location to select/edit an effect. When you click on an effect a control panel pops up for editing, very slick.

Our audio interface should be done shortly as well. This completes the package because it uses the "special sauce" front-end electronics from the Axe-Fx. The interface uses the same front-end electronics and converters as the Axe-Fx along with an 8 channel USB interface. There's also MIDI In and Out so you can hook a MIDI controller to it and control the software just like you would an Axe-Fx.

The basic idea is to turn your PC or Mac into an Axe-Fx. [sales pitch mode] You supply the hardware, we supply the audio interface and software. So you get our award-winning modeling and effects running on a PC or Mac.


A beta version of our VST (that also runs standalone) should be out this week. It kills everything out there. [/sale pitch mode]

It isn't going to be cheap though. It won't be as much as an Axe-Fx but it's not going to be in PodFarm (or whatever it's called) territory either. A LOT of development has gone into this. As with the Axe-Fx we don't skimp on things. If you want a cheap product then get GuitarRig or Amplitude. If you want quality and are willing to pay a little extra the Axe-PC is for you."

Why would anyone get an Axe-FX when they could get an SM Pro Audio V-pedal and just stick this on it? :lol:
because :
You MUST buy the Axe-PC hardware interface for the product to work. The hardware interface is also your product key. Each one is serialized and locked to your software. The software will NOT run if the interface is not attached to your computer. You don't need to use the interface (i.e. if you're running as a plug-in) but it still needs to be attached. Your computer also needs to be connected to the internet periodically to verify licensing.
So it's like GearBox or ProTools. Both equally as fucking gay for requiring the interface to be connected. Useless.

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that it's a soundcard like Line6. Apparently it's some hardware things in the "DI" that's in the main input of the Axe-FX. They call it "secret sauce" and that's even more stupid IMHO, since the software will be scrutinized by everyone that can piss on "another modeler" as soon as AIR puts the software out. Also, it'll be impossible to get the 1ms AD/DA latency with an USB interface.
I'd rather spend the extra cash and get the AxeFX, since it runs standalone and has digital I/O for digital reamping. One of the nice things about the AxeFX is that you can run impulses on it live (including Recabinet.) :)
Christ, why the hell would they make it an 8-in USB interface? That's just wasted fucking money, it should be like the Line 6 Toneport GX, just one guitar input (and it should have the option to be either firewire or USB, why has no one done this on an interface? Tons of External HDD's do...)
It makes all the sense in the world to make it an 8-in interface... as long as they also make it a ONE-input interface as well. Maybe that's a few iterations down the line... or maybe they're just going to overdo it from the word "go" and make a product that positions itself outside of the usable range of several of its targeted customers. That'd be unfortunate.

AFAIC, USB is a deal breaker for me. I'd want this as a firewire device for lower latency, or I'd want some way to use this on the line ins of my existing devices, which are of a higher quality than anything they're going to be able to offer for less than the cost of an AxeFX. It's a bummer, because I don't think I want an actual AxeFX, but I would pay several hundred to be able to use one for recording exclusively.
I waited for this a long time. I love the concept of the Line 6 Toneport and I hope the AXE-FX Interface will be a more professional solution with similar features.
Christ, why the hell would they make it an 8-in USB interface? That's just wasted fucking money, it should be like the Line 6 Toneport GX, just one guitar input (and it should have the option to be either firewire or USB, why has no one done this on an interface? Tons of External HDD's do...)

Apparently it'll be a 2in 2out, but for future implementation...
Damn, it almost seemed viable except for the challenge/response crap. I could almost handle the interface as a dongle (though I'd prefer iLok) but I refuse to prove my innocence to a plugin.
Christ, why the hell would they make it an 8-in USB interface? That's just wasted fucking money, it should be like the Line 6 Toneport GX, just one guitar input (and it should have the option to be either firewire or USB, why has no one done this on an interface? Tons of External HDD's do...)

Once again, +1. I was really, really excited about this at first, but when I read that you need the interface, well... Fuck it. It's stupid enough that ProTools needs a Digi interface to act as a dongle, but it's even less sensible that a guitar modeler needs an 8 input USB interface.

As the others said, if I had the money, I'd rather spend a little more and get the original hardware version for convenience.