Searching a convinient audio interface for an AXE-FX Preamp!


Jan 2, 2010
Hi guys!

I'm searching an audio interface with no latency/quality issues because i'll buy an Axe-FX Ultra and want it's purest quality! This pre-amp got everything except an Audio-Interface! :/

Now I'm using a Creative Elite Pro and a M-Audio Fast Track Pro but I think those Interfaces don't give me the full quality in A/D - Input/Outputs etc.!

cheers Xenu
Can't find a suitable thread to my needs!

"I want to visit a Forum to get an answer or a link for my questions.. ("If" someone knows!")
and not a request to search over google or something like this! I also don't got the time!

Sorry, but I can't stand those answers..
In those cases where I don't know a suitable product recommendation or a specific answer, it's better for me to shut up because it's no help for anyone who's visiting a thread..

I also don't got the time!


And we should take OUR time to answer YOUR question?!

The AxeFX doesn't matter, change the Axe to "Mic, DI or whatever", 10000 Threads...

And on top you give barely infos.
Do you just need 1(2) channel(s), do you need a preamp(build in) and so on.

Seriously read the similar threads...

And thats a "google" search which was extra set up by a member, for exactly this kind of stuff.

Sry that we steal your time...
:tickled: Thanks for your replies guys, they were really helpful to me and I also want to thank you for your time!

:muahaha: My intention was to ask for a nice audio interface and I'm really sceptical obverse some manufacturers which are telling you so much about technical facts etc. but also the most manufactures are lying with their pseudo-awesome quality.. So I don't want to buy shit... So I will ask some people in this forum because I'm sure that some of you tried a bundle of audio interfaces. So it's also a little bit quicker to ask seasoned persons instead to believe in lies or unseasoned User Reviews. (In my experience)

:( My Fast Track Pro offers a S/PDIF too - Even the cheapest Audio Interface got these connections but that doesn't mean that I will get the qualtiy that I'm longing for with the AXE-FX.

:flame: I think Gold has to be treated with gold and the AXE-FX is definitely gold.. So it's articulative that a shity Behringer-Product is completely counterproductive in combination with the AXE-FX.

:worship: So what do I need? A nice Audio Interface (Firewire/USB 2.0, S/PDIF, Monitor outs, I think it's better to got 2 "superb" Channels insted of 8> shitty/moderate Channels, Good A/D Conversation, near zero latency)

:Spam: What do you think about this one?

Oh yeah, before i forget: "A forum is a place where you give and take informations and it's not an obligation for you to spent your time here, so I'm not the one who takes your time.. It's your decision to read or write.. I'll be grateful for both.."

Cheers and gn8..
if you hook it up with spdif the actual a/d conversion is already done in the axe-fx, so you gain nothing by buying an interface with better converters if its only for the axe-fx
only the stability matters, and if your fast track pro runs without crashing the computer or shit like that, it should suffice really
if you hook it up with spdif the actual a/d conversion is already done in the axe-fx, so you gain nothing by buying an interface with better converters if its only for the axe-fx
only the stability matters, and if your fast track pro runs without crashing the computer or shit like that, it should suffice really
I think that with Axe-FX result will suffer one way or another because of it`s sample rate of 48 kHz (spdif, if I`m remember correctly).
When recording most of the samples (drum libraries) will be resampled to 48 km than, finally, result will be converted to 44.1 k (because of usual sample rate of final product - CD). So firstly samples are resampled, then entire mix...
Not good for such expensive product... is it so difficult to make hardware and DSP for 44.1k?

In case of analog connection better to use interface with dynamic range better than 105 db (as in specification of AXE-FX).
Converters in AXE-FX seems to be not top-notch.