New audio interface or stand-alone preamp?


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010
Hi guys,

Would love to hear your various opinions on the matter: I currently use my old and and trusty M-Audio Delta 66 card (PCI card with an external box with 4 outputs).

I do small projects. Mainly recording and arranging keyboards for bands, sometimes helping friends with some instrument tracking. These days I find myself in need of a decent instrument/mic pre, and in the meantime the GAS to upgrade my interface.

A lot of interfaces offer built-in pre-amps so I'm obviously in a dilemma.

Based on my specific needs I would like to ask you guys for recommendations whether I should invest my dope in outboard gear, or while I'm at it, upgrade my audio interface for something with better specs and AD/DA converters.

My budget is approx. 300$

Current interface specs:
$300 is a bit tight on both fronts (interface or mic pre).

The Delta series is actually pretty damn solid. Unless you need more inputs, I would stick with it. I actually miss my Delta 44. I was able to get lower latency than I get with any USB or Firewire interface. It just worked too, no worries about firewire chipsets and stuff. Plus it does actually sound pretty damn good. There is a reason why it has been around forever and I think you can still buy them new.

So then you can put your full budget into a preamp/DI. In that range I would look at the GAP PRE-73 or the Black Lion Audio stuff.
Thanks for the reply! The GAP Pre-73 is indeed something I've been checking out lately, looks like it got some great reviews and opinions including sneapsters'.