Axe FX Ultra vs II

Lasse: live you could use a Standard. Get your own IR's in there and that's it. 2U and fucking done. Amps sucks live anyway. ;)

That´s it. I´m using a standard and our other guitar player uses an ultra. There is no difference in sound. Standards go on ebay for around 8-900 euro.
The kemper is a completely different beast. You don´t get any of the great fx the axe has to offer (if you need them). Don´t know about the in/out possibilities of the kemper but with the axe you have two completely individual outputs (one goes straight to our in-ear and the other one goes to the PA) which is priceless. You could even use an ultra for two guitarrists sharing a single unit.
You know what I think bro, Axe standard is gonna sound ace especially if you paired it with a nice tube power amp, but even direct with all the stage noise and etc you'll be good to go....I frigging love mine.
Just got my Axe FX II this morning. Alls I can say is WOW. This thing is SOOOO much better than the Ultras I've had in the past, not even a competition.
Every time I see guys say things like the above I can't help but think they were going to say the same thing no matter what when they tried the Axe II, as if their opinion of it was already locked in before ever using one, because of all the hype and the amount of money it cost.

I know I'm vocal about it, but I really did not notice much of an improvement in the modeling in the Axe II, and I have NEVER noticed much of an improvement in modeling in the firmware updates which constantly come out. The updates always change things, but it's never really better or worse... just different, and you have to go redo your patches all the time to get them sounding right. FX updates are different. Those are usually fixing bugs or adding extra capability, whereas the modeling updates are always just subtle tweaks here and there that really just boil down to different kinds of EQ filters being applied...

The clean tones do sound great on the II, but they were great on the original/Ultra too. The distortion sounds roughly the same to me... like just another different firmware update.... The II is better designed for the 4 cable method and you can use way more complicated patches because of the extra cpu power, but it's really not all that different than the ultra overall.

Maybe the new profiling feature will be different and a significant improvement. I'm not holding my breath though...
I would go something like this for IEMs.. you wouldn't have to sacrifice whatever your regular tone is with this setup..

your favorite amp -> palmer pdi-03 -> ears rack

I have had several bands use these palmers and have been very impressed with the clarity of the guitar tone
That's my rig ATM (well, with a pdi09).
I just thought it'd be cool to have all the fx etc in just one light 2u rack.
Another advantage would be the easy midi switching, we're playing with a click live, the drummer has a lappy with click tracks on... So hypothetically I could just run a midi cable from there to my rack and never have to worry again about bein close to my pedal board....all the fx, channels etc would just be switched automatically
That's my rig ATM (well, with a pdi09).
I just thought it'd be cool to have all the fx etc in just one light 2u rack.
Another advantage would be the easy midi switching, we're playing with a click live, the drummer has a lappy with click tracks on... So hypothetically I could just run a midi cable from there to my rack and never have to worry again about bein close to my pedal board....all the fx, channels etc would just be switched automatically

that´s how we do it. works awesome. i even automated my wah wah in midi so i don´t have to use it manually. :D
Every time I see guys say things like the above I can't help but think they were going to say the same thing no matter what when they tried the Axe II, as if their opinion of it was already locked in before ever using one, because of all the hype and the amount of money it cost.

I know I'm vocal about it, but I really did not notice much of an improvement in the modeling in the Axe II, and I have NEVER noticed much of an improvement in modeling in the firmware updates which constantly come out. The updates always change things, but it's never really better or worse... just different, and you have to go redo your patches all the time to get them sounding right. FX updates are different. Those are usually fixing bugs or adding extra capability, whereas the modeling updates are always just subtle tweaks here and there that really just boil down to different kinds of EQ filters being applied...

The clean tones do sound great on the II, but they were great on the original/Ultra too. The distortion sounds roughly the same to me... like just another different firmware update.... The II is better designed for the 4 cable method and you can use way more complicated patches because of the extra cpu power, but it's really not all that different than the ultra overall.

Maybe the new profiling feature will be different and a significant improvement. I'm not holding my breath though...


I have an Ultra here to test it against, and the difference I hear is quite substantial. The original version always had a weird midrange that could only be dialed out to a certain extent; the new version sounds so much more realistic. Not to mention, it's much easier to navigate and edit patches. Hell, a lot of the stock presets sound pretty good without even needing any tweaking.

The Ultra never really impressed me on its high gain amp modeling. People always said it was the "best" modeler out there and sounded so real, but I've yet to hear a single clip of one that I couldn't easily pick out as being modeled. The effects and clean tones on the original were fantastic, but the Axe-FX II feels and responds like a real amp, which is something I was always missing from the Ultra. The mid gain tones on this thing are simply ridiculous, which is something I've always found needed a real to really capture the essence of the sound, because modelers simply couldn't touch the responsiveness of a cranked mid gain amp; the Axe II is pretty damn convincing.

I'm sure some of my enthusiasm with it has to do with it being a new piece of gear for me, sure; but I have been a die-hard high end tube amp snob for years, and after having been quite excited by the release of the Ultra and sorely let down after trying it, this one is quite a pleasant surprise :D