Aztec Metal Band Seeks Guitarist

Ya I suck. But not as much as BMT

Edit- Where does my suckage come from? That troll I responded to, or just sucking in general?
^Changing your name to something non-CoB related was a step in the right direction. The next step is to remove the In Flames reference from your sig. Then start making better posts. You aren't as a bad as you used to be, though, I'll give you that.
Ya I'll change the In Flames reference when I feel like I sound like an idiot by having it in there. Changing it to please someone would be pointless
You've got a point in standing up for yourself and not being a pushover, BUT, this is for your own good, and I highly recommend you succumb to his advice.
Good enough for me (I bet you Dodens thinks he's my master now).
Actually, I'd have preferred that Zach not change the sig regardless of ANYTHING, but honestly, it really doesn't matter.

We haven't discussed Micantecuhli...the band, in three pages now it seems.
It's the intended topic of this thread. If you came into this thread and still never heard of the band after posting in this topic, then you're pretty stupid.
Dodens Grav said:
It's the intended topic of this thread. If you came into this thread and still never heard of the band after posting in this topic, then you're pretty stupid.

Ok douche Ive heard the name micantacowhatever, Aztec Warriors, kickass thats awesome. I just havent heard any music by them. I think you are pretty stupid Doodens, how about that cracka! Im going to go google "Aztec Warrior Metal" now so I can be more enlightened to it like you are. I just don't know how I could have missed the Aztec Metal Movement. Did it come around during the Latin Invasion a few years ago? You know, the one with Enrique, and Ricky Martin, and JLo, and the taco bell dog.

(P.S. I bet your reply will have the word my pals in it, or the well used slur "BLT")