Aztec Metal Band Seeks Guitarist

You said you've never heard OF them, and by saying that, you're saying that you've never heard the band's name before, let alone their music. So now you're just a hypocrite.
Ok I guess I saw the name somewhere between my pals this and my pals that on this thread, but I just didnt remember. Why does it matter anyway? Now you are just being gay. This is fun going back and forth too. Im just kinda laughing you bitch ass replies off.
You know if you stopped talking about the fact that you're black people would stop caring, and only make fun of you for your shit taste in music.
Décadent said:
You know if you stopped talking about the fact that you're black people would stop caring, and only make fun of you for your shit taste in music.

What do I listen to thats shit? Do you even know what I listen too?
Whats wrong with Pantera, they are fucking awesome. You dont like them because they were successful and you probably have a bs "kvlt" thing going on and just mention the most obscure shit as what you like and don't talk about other bands you happen to like that are more mainstream. As a matter of fact I was showing off my muscles in a Pantera shirt a few days ago. Pussy.
yeah he sure hates everytihng thats not super underground that must be why he enjoys master of puppets

at least i think you do DG

Power Metal and Cowboys From Hell are good albums.

The reason why Pantera is looked down upon is because of their pathetic image of trying to be tough guys. Hence their fanbase degenerated into a bunch of wannabe tough guys, which is why Pantera are called Tough Guy Metal. It has absolutely nothing to do with their popularity. If I stopped listening to bands once they got popular, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden wouldn't be among by favorite bands of all time. Please stop making rash assumptions about every little thing. You asked if he knew any of the bands that you listen to, so I named one, and then you went on a tantrum with no justification. If you weren't so defensive you wouldn't have nearly as rough a time on this board. I've already talked to you about this, and I think it's time that you take my advice. It's time for logic and reason to settle in.
Erik said:
yeah he sure hates everytihng thats not super underground that must be why he enjoys master of puppets

at least i think you do DG


A hit or miss album, about half of it is fucking fantastic, some are duds. Same case with Ride The Lightning and ...And Justice For All. I masturbate vigorously to Kill 'Em All though.
Décadent said:
You know if you stopped talking about the fact that you're black people would stop caring, and only make fun of you for your shit taste in music. Because personally me, as a Homosexual White male, I dont like to talk about myself. Like I like to suck dick all fucking day and go to truckstop glory holes but I dont talk about it here, Jesus tap dancing christ stop flaunting your blackness

is that what you meant
That's it, I'm trying to fucking help you stop getting your ass canned time and time again, and you turn around acting like a little cunt? Fuck you, I can't wait until you get banned now. I was legitimately trying to help you too.
Dodens Grav said:
That's it, I'm trying to fucking help you stop getting your ass canned time and time again, and you turn around acting like a little cunt? Fuck you, I can't wait until you get banned now. I was legitimately trying to help you too.

Dude thats mean, I didnt know you were trying to help, sorry.
Right after I Immed you I read something with you calling me a my pals agian. Right after I signed off, and I just thought to myself "fuck this guy"
Ya Dodens equals the teacher, we equal students, and he can use corporal punishment.