B-52 AT-100

May 1, 2009
Bay Area, CA.
Anyone use this amp? I played it about three years ago and loved the sound...just was iffy spending that much on a B-52. Well I found a great deal in the classifieds and I was just wondering how reliable this amp is? It's either picking between this, the Blackstar HT-5, or the Peavey Windsor for just around the same price.. Any info would be great, thanks.
I am interested in this as well. I saw a band open for Shadows Fall over here and one of the guitarrist was using one of those. I liked their sound.

Is this the one that's supposed to be like a 'budget rectifier'?
hmm, I played a 100 watt 2x12 combo. The gain was really compressed, a lot of even order harmonics. I would say it was different than a rectifier. almost sounded like a DSL with a tube screamer in front of it. Its really hard to describe the tone. I wasnt able to play it very loud either.

edit: I guess it kinda sounded lke a rectifier with a tube screamer in front of it. had a bit more gain on tap
I've never played one, but I've seen a few bands use them. They're a bit squelchy-sounding to my ears, but not too bad for the price.
I own one, built like a tank, sounds fucking awesome, get it those are discontinued right now. change the tubes later and adjust bias.
Im never played a bugera, but i think is better, due to better construction, seriously, i moved mine so many times, lended it several times, rented it several times, from rehearsal to the studio, to my home, is very solid, it doesn´t sound like a rectifier, but pretty close, i think it has it´s own flavor, another good thing is that sounds good at low volume too. clean is one of the best i heard (far way better than cleans in my 5150). and if this is for a low price, you can´t get a better deal.
i've tracked one before for a punk band...i'd agree they do sound a bit "squelchy", but whatever - they're cheap as shit, fairly reliable, and the tone is at least usable