Oh My GOOOOODDDDD! What else can one say! Only in Japan can you get away with this . Anywhere else and you'd up for neglect or something lol!
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Well, TRUE it's unique, but no matter how unique it is, the voices of 12 year olds(or however old they are) sounds so out of place with the music that I can't stomach listening to it.... Sometimes being unique isn't always good, lol... the interview where they were talking about head-banging is pretty funny though.....No worries though, I don't think this will be a fad that catches on...
Agree, have expressed before how dissonant and mind rattling the abrupt differences and changes are. I like some aspects of it, but as a whole its upsetting and disturbing lol.
Isn't metal suppose to be upsetting and disturbing?
Isn't metal suppose to be upsetting and disturbing?
Wasn't there something similar on here recently? K-Pop-metal or something like that. I can promise you that across Japan, there is some incredibly hardcore fanbase for this, with pictures plastered up on walls, shrines, etc. A short series of public performances will be sellouts, and it's always possible these girls will end up with a magazine devoted to them. I saw far more weird shit in Japan with crazy followings.
Why didn't I think to share Babymetal sooner? Maybe I figured it would just be too weird and I've tied for too long to show the serious side of Japanese music. On the other hand, I'm so tired of all of it; power metal, jrock, prog, .. everything.. I just don't really care anymore.
That being said, I just heard the (sorta) new one that was posted above, "Ijime,Dame,Zettai" and LOVED IT!! Perhaps the shock has worn off and the main girl is actually quite talented. Perhaps the instrumentation is actually really solid (ala Metalocalypse having killer music for a cartoon). Perhaps I'm just bored.
Whatever it is, Babymetal might be a part of my rotation (with a whole woppin' 2 other CDs) for the foreseeable future. For better, or for worse.
There's mentally and emotionally stirring, provoking and impactful, then there's traumatizing lol.