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i can hardly contain myself! i'll be sure to lay off the fast food for a month before the disc comes out, just to make sure i dont have a full blown heart attack!
Originally posted by MC Hanner
I know that on TD, the guitar harmonies sometimes were hidden behind the keys but this time its completely the other way around. The guitars are dominating "the sound picture" and the keys (most of the time) work as a compliment to them to create a greater atmosphere. Due to this, we´ve also managed to find a heavier sound overall. :Smokin:
great thats what i was hoping for this time around. i love the keys but they were a bit too loud at point on TD. cant wait to hear it.
personally i think the keyboards in TD were gr8!!! i dont really know of anyu other band with keyboards dominating like that so it made the album stand out for me.

anyway, can't wait for the new album.
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
The keys made Timeless Departure.

Throw out, turn down, it all has the same effect.

Are you serious? Do you really think that low keyboards would have the same effect as no keyboards? I mean.. the keyboards on TD was somewhat too loud, so we simply decided to turn them down. But if we would have thrown them out completely the new album wouldn't have been half as good as it really is.
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
The keys made Timeless Departure.

Throw out, turn down, it all has the same effect.

<sarcastic joke starts here>
Actually, I always thought Skyfire did Timeless Departure.
</sarcastic joke>
No.....actually everyone doesnt hate least I dont think so. I'm just confused as to why you need to make such a big deal out of this when it really ISNT that big of a deal. The keys are STILL there, and whether you want to call them "sound effects" or if you want to just completely live in an imaginary world where "kinda there and not there at all" are the same thing, it STILL sounds like Skyfire and thats really all you can ask, if that. You'd also be suprised at how many of us actually thought the keys drowned out the guitar harmonies in TD. The band obviously agrees, how would they go about fixing this...TURN DOWN THE GOD DAMN KEYS! Why should Martin and Andreas' guitar work be completely drowned out because a few fans want complete and utter domination by the keys.

Look I'm a fan of TD, and a fan of the keyboard usage, but from what I hear, this album is already packing better production than TD, and even possibly more vareity. Wait til the album comes out and don't get your knickers in a twist over this keyboard deal and dont try and bring it up in other threads because your bitter about a few 1 minute samples.

F_V (over and out)