Back from Circle II Circle tour... got some stuff to say so READ IT!


Mar 26, 2007
Allright boys and girls (well are there any of those here? haha)...

I'm finally back from my first tour with CIRCLE II CIRCLE and it was great! Seeing Zak Stevens and Jon Oliva singing together at the same stage was just surreal. I don't know about you guys... but I'm a huge SAVATAGE fan, and being in CIRCLE II CIRCLE is an honor.

Anyways... the bad news is my laptop got stolen. That's right... some PIECE OF SHIT stole my laptop from INSIDE THE JON OLIVA'S PAIN DRESSING ROOM at ProgPower USA where I performed with CIRCLE II CIRCLE. The funniest of all is that I had 5k (yes, that's FIVE THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS) inside the bag, and the dipshit took my laptop, my ipod and didn't even SEE the money. How does that relate to POWER QUEST? Well...I had all of the videos with the Q & A (including the 3rd part already edited) IN THE LAPTOP. So I guess I'll just go ahead an answer those questions here... fuck I really hate people sometimes!

Still speaking of ProgPower USA... FUCK YEAH!!!! POWER QUEST is there next year!! I must be holding some kind of record for musician who performed there 3 years in a row, haha. In 2007 I was there with CELLADOR, then in 2008 with CIRCLE II CIRCLE and now 2009 with POWER QUEST. Considering up to 2005 even WATCHING ProgPower was just a dream for me (remember I lived in Brazil), that's not bad at all, huh?

But really, I had no idea PQ was gonna be there next year. Nobody told me... I was with Glenn, Lars and Claus throughout the whole weekend and NOBODY said a word, haha! I learned about it at the same time as everybody else...when they announced with the video! It was KILLER!! I remember sitting down to watch the video and standing up to cheer with everybody else! As soon as the video was over I called Steve hahahaha it was probably 6 - 7 AM in England hahaha! I hope he's not mad at me for that!

I should have all of the details of my trip to the UK within the next couple of days. Initially, my itinerary was gonna be LOS ANGELES - LONDON - SAO PAULO (for vacation) - LOS ANGELES, but a good friend of mine invited me to be a guest for the recordings of his band's DVD in Brazil, so assuming he'll send me the ticket, I'll change the itinerary to SAO PAULO - LONDON - SAO PAULO - LOS ANGELES. Not that any of that matters, I know... I just had a few drinks and I'm talking like someone who had a few drinks hahaha!

I can't even express how excited I am about this tour for a number of reasons. For one, I have never been to Europe. For two, POWER QUEST is one of my favorite bands and it'll be killer to be on stage with them finally. And three, I'm sure seeing british people will help me get back in shape HAHA!

So... tomorrow I will go through the questions again, and answer all of them here in the forums. I'm sorry if it didn't work out the way I wanted, but there are still losers stealing stuff out there!

Bill Hudson
Yeah...hehe...I didn't tell the rest of the band about PPUSA....thought it would be a killer suprise! lol!

Bill called me at 6:45am I think it was...haha....but how could I be mad about that eh?'re not the only one who is excited about this tour.......although for slightly different reasons. Obviously playing the UK is nothing new for me....but this tour is gonna be a completely new experience!

Wherever you go in the world it seems there is no escape from stupid theiving bastards.......jeez!
I've READ IT Bill :lol: future's looking good :kickass: It's a shame i won't get to see you this time around though. was looking forward to the gig in Southampton but just can't get there on crappy public transport.
Damn i hate thiefs!!! this is becoming increasingly common. It was just last year that Ronny Tregner's of Pagan's Mind sampler was stolen from the back of his car and this year that Adrian Smith's guitar was stolen after a gig.

oh well it may be an inconvenience but at least they can't steal your shred :rock:

Metal on :rock: