back from florida

No, I dident just go to see Dan, We have a Condo in Orlando. We go there every year at this time. Dan was just cool enuff to invite me to come check out some Music he is working on. There werent any good bands while I was down there. But I almost went to see Disturbed. But just ended up going to City Walk insted. Here is the pic of my tatt. and some stuff Dan signed for me.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
thanks bro, any news on the TEAM?...

No, but it would be cool if you (and EVERYONE ELSE) would contact every radio station in the "Anthrax STREET TEAM Update" thread at the top of the page, and request "Safe Home" or some new Anthrax.

I've done it a couple of times. And I'll continue to do it every week.
ThraxDude said:
No, but it would be cool if you (and EVERYONE ELSE) would contact every radio station in the "Anthrax STREET TEAM Update" thread at the top of the page, and request "Safe Home" or some new Anthrax.

I've done it a couple of times. And I'll continue to do it every week.

Already done it here in AZ. Will continue to do so as well.
AlexStomp said:
Are you sure that it wasn't some dude dressed in drag and the rag excuse was just a cover up?

If you're being "bjobbed" (yes, I made that one up myself), and you feel beard stubs or "her" whiteman-hater tickle you on the tip of the shlongberg, it's probably a dude...
the tip of the shlongberg

more or less reminded me of "tip of the iceberg"... and in my infinite creative male mind I thought "what if I replaced ice with shlong?"... :)

I tell ya.. there are more than 1000 different names possible for that bald, moody, turtle-neck wearer...