back from florida

I can't think of the movie at the moment but I remember it was a class scene and they were talking about different names that junior is called. Anyone remember that? I think it was Varsity Blues?
jdelpi said:
Makes sense. Are you speaking from experience?

Fortunately, I always date ladies that I'm sure of their gender and I don't get axl rose from strangers... since AlexStomp started the ambiguity with his post, I thought I'd follow with the smart-alecky remark ...
I envy you. How much I would like to be on Florida and get blowjobs on the beach, instead of being stuck in this shitty hole where you got half the fuckin April and it's still snowing and raining like shit.
Who performed the bj? Was it a petite girl... a little cockeyed.. her hands might have been burnin' ?
Just kiddin'!
Seriously though, what's up with Dan's project?
In all honesty, i thinks its real good. Its a real fresh sound, and when the leads kick, there is no mistaking its him. He played me about 5 songs. Only one had singing. The rest was ruff cuts. The song with the singing was kick ass, its Called "Off The Chain" and that it is. The Sound Is Heavy. I know alot of you diss the man, But he really has some good shit brewin up, Better and Heaver than I would have thought.