back from Headbangers Open Air


Apr 29, 2004
got back from Germany's HOA yesterday but was too tired to write a short review, so here it is;

We drove up one day earlier today and that was a good move, we started the festival very relaxed and enjoyed the whole thing 100% !!

so here's a little band by band review in the order all played;

Thursday :
Steel Horse; Spanish classic metal outfir that started of the festival good. Not exeptional but a solid band that fired up some of the public already. The singer's accent was funny, he pronounced his own band as Steel Corse each time, haha !!

Killingmachine As even not enough bands already canceled (Jag Panzer, Wolf, Rock Goddess, Cirith Ungol) the bass player of Killing Machine left the band just for the gig and the replacement band got stuck in the terrible traffic jams in Germany this weekend. So, a good time to catch up stories with some international friends...

Grand Magus; Grand Magus replaced Wolf. Replacing Wolf is nearly impossible but Grand Magus did a great job. Although their uptempo and newer stuff is better than the early songs I loved the show. Best band of Friday !

Shock Paris; heard them from a distance and sounded very solid too. Good but more commercial classic metal !!!

Destruction; they closed the first day. As me and my friend don't like German thrash that much we watched a few songs and drove off before the crowd.

Jameson Raid; kicked of the day. An obscure NWOBHM band that somehow was revived. Not that good though, just nice to watch for nostalgia sake :-)

Stormzone; Irish band that plays very solid hard rock/metal. Never heard of them before, but they are really good, especially the vocalist is great !

Roxxcalibur; the famous German coverband was great as allways. They play some rather unknown, but great sounding NWOBMHM stuff. As a suprise the vocalist and singer of JJ Powerhouse joined them to play their 1980's single. Sounded awesome for guys that hadn't been on stage for 27 years or so !

Tygers of Pan Tang; Well, this was a real suprise for me. What a fucking solid gig this was! The vocals and guitars were HUGE !! I really enjoyed this one, the Tygers are back for sure !!

Amulance; cool oldschool thrash band that played a solid set. Great to see another 80's US thrashband to appear at HOA. They also released a special limited CD for HOA and their are a few killer songs on that!

Stormwarrior; Well, as the happy metal guys from Stormwarrior came on stage it was time for us to head to the car for some food. Heard them from there and sounded like very basic/average 1980's German happy metal...

Mekong Delta Heard them from the car too and they sounded quit good, but our German-Spanish-American-Dutch-Belgian conversation just was more interesting at that time (you need to miss some bands just to talk to some people now and than!)

Angel Dust; Looked at them for a while. But they didn't play stuff from the early harder albums, again average German metal ...

Demon; never been a huge Demon fan but hey, songs like "Don't break the Circle" are just awesome and the band played very well !!!

Culprit; One of my favorit 80's bands were up next. I wasn't very keen on the new line up as vocalist L'Heureux and drummer Burrill were replaced, two of the cornerstone members of Culprit. But they proved me completely wrong. They kicked ass in the best way you can imagine. The songs of the "Guilty as Charged" album were played in a much heavier way. The vocalist sounds awesome (although he lost his voice for a few songs) and the new drummer kills ! One of the better HOA gigs ever !

Trench Hell; heavy thrash to start with on Saturday. Not my kind of thrash, but enjoyable for the fans !!

Not Fragile; a very avarage German band that has a few CD's out already and still played 4 or 5 covers. Only present becouse they are signed at Hellion records I guess...

Battleaxe; great oldschool NWOBHM stuff, more towards the hard rock side of things but I enjoyed them.

Der Kaiser; French band that even in the 80's already released some stuff. Never heard of them before and that seemed to have a reason; one of the worst vocalists I ever heard !!

Blood Feast; although quit rough for my taste I could really appriciate the thrash from Blood Feast. Solid band that was enjoyed especially by the present thrash fans !

Omen; saw them many times past years so it was time to go and drink some beers with friends again. sounded very good from what I heard...

Anvil Chorus; US progressive metallers Anvil Chorus were up next. It took them almost 30 years to get over to Europe. Although they were the only band to play in the rain, the public stayed as this simply is a 500% underrated band that is THAT good you just don't walk away for some rain. Their new album kicks ass and they showed why they should be up there with the classic progressive metal bands like Heir Apparent, Culprit, Fates Warning etc... This is a band that easely would kick ass at something like a ProgPower USA festival too !!

Raven; next up were Raven. What's there to say; one of the best live bands ever !!! Rock untill you drop !!!!!

Solitude Aeturnus; Some doom never is bad. And solitude are one of the better doomers around for sure. Great vocals and very deep guitar sound. Food for doom fans only though !

Virgin Steele; Well , Virgin Steele never was one of my favorit bands, they sucked when I saw them last time at KIT, my back hurt like shit, and we wanted to get some sleep to leave early on Sunday to avoid the traffic jams. So we skipped VS and drove to the hotel.

To conclude; I enjoyed the festival alot again, although it would have been much better with all the bands that canceled. the bands that replaced them, often average German stuff, was not that great allways. But on the other hand we saw killer performances of Culprit and Anvil Chorus. Bands that I'll probably never be able to see again ! And also killer performances of Raven, Tygers, Grand Magus ... I'm happy :muahaha:

Will see if I can post some pics or vids later on !
Sound like you had a good time Gert. Sometimes it is nice to meet friends and chat while the bands are playing. :)

Thanks for the review. Nice to know Culprit kicked ass with the new members!
Grand Magus; Grand Magus replaced Wolf. Replacing Wolf is nearly impossible but Grand Magus did a great job. Although their uptempo and newer stuff is better than the early songs I loved the show. Best band of Friday !

Sad about Wolf it would have killed the festival for me. I wished to be able to listened to both Wolf and Grand Magus.

Roxxcalibur; the famous German coverband was great as allways. They play some rather unknown, but great sounding NWOBMHM stuff. As a suprise the vocalist and singer of JJ Powerhouse joined them to play their 1980's single. Sounded awesome for guys that hadn't been on stage for 27 years or so !

Must be fun onstage, I like what they're trying to do so...

Mekong Delta Heard them from the car too and they sounded quit good, but our German-Spanish-American-Dutch-Belgian conversation just was more interesting at that time (you need to miss some bands just to talk to some people now and than!)

Would have been neat to check them, I have their frist three albums, damn great prog/thrash.

Angel Dust
; Looked at them for a while. But they didn't play stuff from the early harder albums, again average German metal ...

Average? Harder albums? Are you INSANE? How many chances to listen to the live with Dirk at vocals? "Border Of Reality", "Bleed", "Enlighten The Darkness", wven the weak "The Human Bondage" are brutal albums, they would have been the reason to attend HOA

Culprit; One of my favorit 80's bands were up next.
This also may have neat to check.

Omen; saw them many times past years so it was time to go and drink some beers with friends again. sounded very good from what I heard...

Another for the list of checks.

Solitude Aeturnus; Some doom never is bad. And solitude are one of the better doomers around for sure. Great vocals and very deep guitar sound. Food for doom fans only though !

ARRRRGGGHHH! Doom or die!

Glad you enjoy it, but you do need a shrink :p
Solitude Aeturnus; Some doom never is bad. And solitude are one of the better doomers around for sure. Great vocals and very deep guitar sound. Food for doom fans only though !

Virgin Steele; Well , Virgin Steele never was one of my favorit bands, they sucked when I saw them last time at KIT, my back hurt like shit, and we wanted to get some sleep to leave early on Sunday to avoid the traffic jams. So we skipped VS and drove to the hotel.

Is Robert Lowe still singing for SA, or did he move on to Candlemass as a full-time gig?

Can't believe you skipped VS!:zombie: One of my favorite bands, I wish that they'd do a club tour in the US.
Average? Harder albums? Are you INSANE? How many chances to listen to the live with Dirk at vocals? "Border Of Reality", "Bleed", "Enlighten The Darkness", wven the weak "The Human Bondage" are brutal albums, they would have been the reason to attend HOA

As for as I heard everybody thought it sounded terrible, vocals were very bad too...

Glad you enjoy it, but you do need a shrink :p

ermmm....a shrink ???? A lost a few pounds lately but ....

Oh yeah, met a guy who knows you from the WitchesBrew forum. Guy from Spain who sings in a band too. He knew about your KIT plans ...
What a pity!! I didn´t know you were there Carnut. We could have talked a little bit.

It was my first experience at HOA and mmmm... I don´t know what to say. I´m a little special about festivals ´cause I go just for the music. I don´t drink alcohol and I don´t like that kind of festival party communion.

HOA, in my opinion, isn´t exactly a festival because of the enviroment. I consider it more a friends reunion or something similar and I don´t like too much that. Besides, I decided to travel till Germany because of Icon and when they cancelled I felt so frustated that I thought in not travelling but I have paid 450 euros.

About the bands:


STEEL HORSE: Didn´t come there to see them but I have seen Steel Horse plenty of times here in Madrid. Let me say you that Steel Horse are a great, amazing band that can compete easily with Enforcer, Wolf, Metal Inquisitor ir whatever. Not for the fact that they´re from Spain (spanish bands singing in english usually suck!)but they deserve the best. Their guitar player, Willy Gascon, is great.

GRAND MAGUS: Very good show. Quite epic mixing heavy, doom and stoner.

SHOK PARIS: Well, it was good. Nothing exceptional but OK. some catchy tunes to sing along.

DESTRUCTION: I´m a little bored with them ´cause I´ve seen maybe 12 or 14 times in a decade. Not bad but they play their classics in a different way and Schmier sings worse every year.


I missed the first bands ´cause I was visiting Hamburg.

TYGERS OF PAN TANG: As in Keep It True a very good show. It´s not exactly TOPT (just Robb Weir and friends) but the singer is amazing.

AMULANCE: for me, they aren´t an easy listening band but they did it great. "Feel the pain" is a gem.

STORMWARRIOR: Errr... They are OK in studio but live I consider them an average band like most of german bands nowadays.

MEKONG DELTA: Just the opposite. Not in their best enviroment but their show was crazy. The hut of Baba Yaga" one of thefestival highlights.

ANGEL DUST: I love Angel Dust 90´s stuff and I hoped a Dirk Thurisch era set list. I got it... but the performance was so disappointed. Bad sound, bad attitude, bad Dirk, bad everything.

DEMON: Like at KIT, quite well.

CULPRIT: I totally disagree with Carnut. For me, they were boring and their singer was a mess. He even apologized for his bad performance.


TRENCH HELL: Just saw a couple of thrash metal tunes from Down Under. A good band.

NOT FRAGILE: Awful. Could it be any band worse?

BATTLEAXE: In spite of their singer looking like a third division Tom Jones they did it a great performance. Not the best band in the world but an efficient show.

DER KAISER: Yes. French were worse than Not Fragile. A shame. by the way, their singer is one the guitar players from ADX.

BLOOD FEAST: A little dirty sound but a good thrash metal (with death metal bits) performance. Thumbs up!

OMEN: Bad sound and a singer that has to clean their voice. As raw doesn´t fit with the music. The worse concert I´ve ever seen from this great band.

ANVIL CHORUS: tota surprise. PERFECT SOUND and an overwhelming show. Amazing.

RAVEN: Another excellent show. I love Raven and I got what I was expecting.

SOLITUDE AETERNUS: The best band of the festival, by far. No words to describe what I feel. Sorry but that´s the Robert Lowe band, not Candlemass. 11/10 points.

VIRGIN STEELE: Firstly. They´re in my top10 from all time. I´ve seen them 3 times but never as headliner I was expecting an unforgetable performance and... boom!!!! Keyboards and bass samplers. Awful sound. And above all what did it happen with astonished David DeFeis voice? Not hitting a note just a disastrous. What a mess! Disappointed at highest point. I feel even worse because the set list selection was excellent.
Well Marco, it seems like we miss out on each other time after time :-)
Let's try again at KIT 2011 maybe ??
I think we quit agree on the band's performances(except for Culprit, but hey, can't be all the same...)
You are right about the atmosphere, it's more like a party often. Germans have the nicest festivals but they shouldn't visit them , hahahahaha...
I also go for the music, don't drink much eather, but I do like to talk to people from alover the world in between. Unfortunatly there are allways the same 2 dozen of people that are dead drunk before the first band even starts to play. If I have to choose in between KIT and HOA it definitely would be KIT !
Oh yeah, met a guy who knows you from the WitchesBrew forum. Guy from Spain who sings in a band too. He knew about your KIT plans ...

Must be Cesc66 or Foreteller of Doom, damn if I know their real names :lol:

As for as I heard everybody thought it sounded terrible, vocals were very bad too...
ANGEL DUST: I love Angel Dust 90´s stuff and I hoped a Dirk Thurisch era set list. I got it... but the performance was so disappointed. Bad sound, bad attitude, bad Dirk, bad everything.

Great pic of the public. Shows good it's an actual backyard where the festival happens, as says the organisations slogan ; "the garden is on fire" !


Anvil Chorus vid from my buddy Henri VD (aka Stoneagelightning)

Stoneagelightning (far left), me and a bunch of great guys from Spain (some play in a thrash band called Battering Ram)