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Dec 27, 2004
FINALLY! 7-10 day mission turned into 4 god damn months! I just got back from the field today, to KAF, and my mind is sort of overloaded!

We had some very good battles, lots of glory and lots of almost-getting-face-shot-off the first month, then stuff sort of died off and we just ran patrols, no good fights after that, just some pop shots and the like.

So, ask some questions if you want! I'll have my mind organized soon and can explain stuff I hope!

OH! And we didn't really ever get any mail out there seeing as we where just living in trenches and fighting holes, hah, so the care packages never got to me if they where sent but I hope they get to me now that I'm on base! You guys fucking slay!
We love you man, good to see you survived the towelbeheading! The package(s) will arrive Soonish (tm), meaning we (or at least I) have to get thumbs out of dark holes and actually get it sent... Death and panzers!
Thanks for the words dudes! I'll try and get my camera up and running here pretty soon to upload some pictures.

Here's a pretty baddass one:


*Boner* that's what it's all about. Death or glory and all that!
Kickass! stay strong and stay safe,
Are there a lot of good people (civilians) that you guys hangout with?

What this young man is asking is whether you raped a lot of Afghanese women, as any good war-time code of conduct commands.

Nice to see you reporting back in one piece, and that's a kickass picture right there, I did not realize you'd be dispatched so close to the front on a first mission, neither that real old-fashioned trenches still were in use in modern conflicts - but what do I know of war anyway...
That's not a pic of Tully, btw.

As if Tully would turn away from flying debris like that. Come on.