Back on home soil.


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
Hello everyone.

We've safely returned to our homeland, very tired, and some sick.. (including myself!). Regardless, the trip was incredible and unforgettable. I can't wait until I have a moment of time and energy to take a look at the loads of photos I took throughout the tour. A enormous thank you to everyone who took their own time and energy to come out (early some nights) and see us live. I truly hope it was worth it -- we surely gave it all we had. We're all recovering now in preparation for heading out again in about a week and a half in support of Lacuna Coil.. although I think all we want to do now is focus on relaxing.

I've updated the news area on, so please check that out, but I'll also mention here we are compiling a tour diary we will try and get online before leaving for the LC tour, but we'll see.. we're all back at work already (just off the plane a number of hours ago, and already back at work..) so energy and time is in extremely scarce supply..

A sincere thank you again, you know who you are.
These are great comments, glad to hear that we were received so well. We're going to try and continue with the momentum we built up (now just recovering from the sickness) and continue with it thru the US/Canada. We leave tomorrow. Hope to see all those who can make it out to the shows out there..
I thought the Glasgow show was awesome, hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. I think I got a couple of photos so I'll probably send them your way if they come out ok (should have them in a few days).