
Security's always let me bring in my mini leather backpack, but it's only about 12-13 inches high; they just poke through it and make sure I'm not trying to smuggle in something unsavory.
I have a somewhat related question. I apologize if this has already been addressed in the past.

This will be my first time back to PP in a few years. We had an amazing time last time, but one of the few annoying things was people leaving bags on seats to "save them". Presumably these people were either at a signing or on the floor (effectively taking up two spaces). It just seemed rather rude and selfish which was a little surprising since just about everyone we met and the general vibe of the festival was very friendly and positive. At one point we had very good seats and for one reason or another (either for a signing or to go on to the floor) we left those seats. When we came back to see the next band we ended up with way worse seats. But you know what, we did not complain because we made the choice to leave the seats. We knew it was a chance we took and we lived with the consequences and were not upset. I would not have even thought about trying to stake out those seats with our stuff. It is one thing if a person is there saving a seat for their buddy etc, I have no problem with that. But seeing a row of 6 seats covered with bags with nobody in sight seemed a bit selfish.
I have a somewhat related question. I apologize if this has already been addressed in the past.

This will be my first time back to PP in a few years. We had an amazing time last time, but one of the few annoying things was people leaving bags on seats to "save them". Presumably these people were either at a signing or on the floor (effectively taking up two spaces). It just seemed rather rude and selfish which was a little surprising since just about everyone we met and the general vibe of the festival was very friendly and positive. At one point we had very good seats and for one reason or another (either for a signing or to go on to the floor) we left those seats. When we came back to see the next band we ended up with way worse seats. But you know what, we did not complain because we made the choice to leave the seats. We knew it was a chance we took and we lived with the consequences and were not upset. I would not have even thought about trying to stake out those seats with our stuff. It is one thing if a person is there saving a seat for their buddy etc, I have no problem with that. But seeing a row of 6 seats covered with bags with nobody in site seemed a bit selfish.

Move the bags and have a seat. They don't have magical seat saving powers, no matter what their owners might think.
I have a somewhat related question. I apologize if this has already been addressed in the past.

This will be my first time back to PP in a few years. We had an amazing time last time, but one of the few annoying things was people leaving bags on seats to "save them". Presumably these people were either at a signing or on the floor (effectively taking up two spaces). It just seemed rather rude and selfish which was a little surprising since just about everyone we met and the general vibe of the festival was very friendly and positive. At one point we had very good seats and for one reason or another (either for a signing or to go on to the floor) we left those seats. When we came back to see the next band we ended up with way worse seats. But you know what, we did not complain because we made the choice to leave the seats. We knew it was a chance we took and we lived with the consequences and were not upset. I would not have even thought about trying to stake out those seats with our stuff. It is one thing if a person is there saving a seat for their buddy etc, I have no problem with that. But seeing a row of 6 seats covered with bags with nobody in sight seemed a bit selfish.

I really don't mind the seat saving, I just think it's crap when they save a bunch of seats and them leave them empty for a few bands. They aren't saving them just to get a drink or go to the restroom.
I think there should be some official policy about this. One year we had great seats, but when 2 of my friends (out of 3 of us) got up between bands for a bathroom/beer run a couple big dudes sat down in their seats right on top of their merch bags, then pulled out the bags and dumped them in the isle. I tried to stop them but they just said "no seat saving" and then refused to look at me, even though they were sitting on either side of me. After they both elbowed me "accidentally" several times I had no choice but to get up and go get my friends bags out of the walkway. That is when their third friend who was waiting off to the side walked over and took my seat. We tried to get security, but they just told us that there was no reserved seating and wouldn't even talk to the guys. We were bullied out of our seats and had no recourse.

I have also been on the other side where we needed to get off our feet for a while and had to choose between having a confrontation with the guy saving an entire row for friends who haven't shown up for several bands or sitting up by the rafters.

I don't think this is a major issue - I've been attending since PPIV (with a few missed years) and I only have a couple of these stories. Most people I have met are very cool, but it does happen occasionally. The bullies know that most attendees will back down rather than fight and risk being thrown out of the venue, so they capitalize on that and simply do as they please.
How do you propose it be enforced?


It's great that you ask, you guys do enough, I don't think it can be enforced. Just maybe a notification that if a person isn't in the seats holding them for friends at the start of a set, they are up for grabs for those wanting to see the current set.

I don't think this has been a major issue, like I said, you guys have your hands full with more important issues.
How do you propose it be enforced?

I have no idea. Like I said in my post, it's a minor thing that has happened to us only a few times in all the years we have been attending. I only mentioned it because the topic came up and to, perhaps, help raise awareness of it (I probably shouldn't have used the term "official policy").
How do you propose it be enforced?


Yeah, I do not think there really is anything the fest could do to enforce this at all. I guess the only thing that could be done is either an announcement or sign asking people along to along the lines of Wil Wheton's "Don't be a dick"/ don't save seats (if that is indeed the stance they wish to take). After that I think it is just one people to listen or not.
I have no idea. Like I said in my post, it's a minor thing that has happened to us only a few times in all the years we have been attending. I only mentioned it because the topic came up and to, perhaps, help raise awareness of it (I probably shouldn't have used the term "official policy").

Since there's no way (and really, no need) for the venue or the fest staff to implement or enforce an arbitrary seat policy, just accept the physical reality of the situation... the only object that actually saves a seat is a person's ass. The people you encountered who directly sat on top of merch bags were indeed being dicks for no reason... but the assumption that the bags would save the seats was incorrect to start with. But this works both ways... so the one guy who was trying to save a whole row is also out of luck. Since whoever that seat is supposedly being saved for has no actual claim on it, you're not doing anything wrong at all by sitting there, and remaining there for as long as you want. However, if you want to be particularly non-confrontational, when the person tells you he's "saving seats", just tell him that since no one is there at the moment, you're going to sit there for now, and when the person he's "saving" it for returns, you'll get up. Only an unreasonable douche would object to that. And based on past experience, there's a fair chance you will have already gotten up before that person ever returns.
As far as the 'seat saving', it's the most annoying thing that happens at PP. This year I'm taking a new approach and hopefully it won't result in an ejection,because I won't be the one starting it.

If someone tells me that seat is taken, I'll simply say that I don't plan on living there and when their friend comes back, I'll kindly get up. I"m just taking a load off. I don't stay in one place for a very long time at PP anyway.

So, I encourage everyone to have the same approach. Be nice and just say, I'll chill here until your 'friend' comes back or until I don't feel like talking to your selfish ass anymore.:fu:
at all by sitting there, and remaining there for as long as you want. However, if you want to be particularly non-confrontational, when the person tells you he's "saving seats", just tell him that since no one is there at the moment, you're going to sit there for now, and when the person he's "saving" it for returns, you'll get up. Only an unreasonable douche would object to that. And based on past experience, there's a fair chance you will have already gotten up before that person ever returns.
That's what I always do but more often than not people either get grumpy or downright ugly. Makes it hard to enjoy the music.