

Son of Odin
Mar 26, 2004
Hi there,
On the Saxon Chronicles DVD, during the Part in Wheels of Steel, where Biff wants the crowd to go wooaaahh, you can see Biff picking up a Vest which must have been thrown onto stage by some fan, which is full of Saxon Patches. On the back theres a large one with the Saxon S(who doesnt know which i mean, just need to look at the S in the logo at the top of this page) and one above it which says Saxon. I would really like to get those, so does anybody know where I could get it? Would be grateful if someone knew!
I kind of looks like that, you're right, but I'd find that kind of strange :/. I thought its maybe one of those iron on patches or so...
víkingr said:
I kind of looks like that, you're right, but I'd find that kind of strange :/. I thought its maybe one of those iron on patches or so...
yeah KellyM I think you r right.. Vikingr, hello, I think you can make it all by yourself, when I was a 12 year-old kid (long time ago) I had the Saxon-logo on my school-bag taking it every day to school I have it still in my room it hangs here.. I just got me a Album of Saxon.. The Strong Arm Album..(nice big format) I took some paper..the once you can see right through.. than draw over the lines, then I took it to my school-bag and then wit a little scharp nife I did cut it in the leather (very nervous work but the result is good at the end.)school bag and then I took a big fillstift and draw the lines with thick black over the carfs and then fil up with a colour... you can try the same with denimn clothing but of course not with a knife :grin:
