Backward Message


Creepiness Och Terrorism
Jun 10, 2008
Psychedelic Planet
I've been reading loads of shits against rock'n'roll (and mind control as they say lol) and heavy metal, as it's a part of the illuminati and the occult thing...and one of the examples that i saw was Led Zeppelin satanic msg and that most of the heavy metal artists "sold their soul to rock n roll" (which sounds stupid to me, or maybe coz i never heard that before?) ...anyways...i watched an interview of Mike where he said that he's interested in the occult.well...i just wanted to know if those backward message on Hessian Peel are serious or it's just a joke???
[maybe it's a shit threat by I'm sorta hypnotized by the occult/illuminati/and secret societies that I've been reading about lately :rofl: ]
Wasn't there a recent interview where Mike stated that Hessian Peel was inspired by a former girlfriend who committed suicide? If so, I have a hard time imagining that the presence of the backward vocals is strictly for humorous intent. I imagine it's a) an homage to Zep, and b) consistent with the theme of the song. It could be a reference to the literal Satan, or it could simply be an adversary of some sort, maybe even within the mind of the woman, since Satan literally means 'adversary'.
I'd never heard the thing about the former girlfriend, so I can't comment on that. But I'd understood that it was, if not a joke, then at least an homage to Led Zeppelin.

During the 70's and early 80's, a lot of fundamentalist Christians (primarily in the States) were charging that certain hard rock and metal groups were "in leage with the devil" in one way or another. This was happening as I was growing up and was getting interested in rock music, so it kinda grabbed my attention at the time. Anyways, one of their biggest pieces of "evidence" regarding this allegation was the assertion that some acts purposefully put backward messages on their songs, stating their true, evil intentions. And one of their biggest examples of this was a section supposedly found in Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. These allegations grew continuously out of control, resulting in a couple of acts actually going to court to prove that their songs didn't contain backward messages. Most notably Judas Priest and Ozzy. Apparently a couple of kids had committed scuicide while listening to these groups songs (One was Scuicide Solution by Ozzy. Can't remember offhand which Priest song it was) and the parents suid the bands claiming that backward messages prompted their kids to kill themselves. After all of that, the whole thing kinda went away. I'm guessing it was partially because all of the court cases pretty much proved that it was all a coincidence. Plus, I think a lot of people on the right realized that all of this publicity was just getting a lot of kids interested in the music, instead of having the adverse effect.

Anyways, that's a long explanation. And when the purposeful backwards voices on Hessian Peal appeared, it was apparently in tribute to the whole backwards masking controversy arising from Stairway. Or at least that's what I'd heard. It's certainly not "serious" in that Mike (and I'm guessing the rest of the guys) are avowed atheists.
Just because you're an atheist doesn't mean you can't believe in Satan.

I just remember Mike addressing that issue when Ghost Reveries came out. Someone asked him if he believed in the occult, since the album had a certain "occult overtone" and he said that he didn't personally believe in either the occult or Satan since he was an atheist (And therefore didn't believe in God or the existence of any other "supernatural" beings). But he still enjoyed writing about it, in the way that a horror writer would write a piece of fiction.

So...just kinda basing what I said on what he said himself. Didn't mean to have this thread go into any sort of theological discussion or anything. :loco:
I think in that interview Mike says Burden Hessian Peel and one other song, i cant remember are all related.
So knowing that burden is about an ex.
Maybe the old lover who passed was a satanist?
As mike said he was writing it from her perspective if im right?
I think in that interview Mike says Burden Hessian Peel and one other song, i cant remember are all related.
So knowing that burden is about an ex.
Maybe the old lover who passed was a satanist?
As mike said he was writing it from her perspective if im right?

what interview are you referring to? could you post a link to it?
Regarding the fact that he stated in an interview that the lyrics were so personal on Watershed that for the first time he wouldn't want them printed in the booklet, I personally think that the backward message on Hessian Peel is something he would have wanted to express without actually being understood by anyone except himself.
Regarding the fact that he stated in an interview that the lyrics were so personal on Watershed that for the first time he wouldn't want them printed in the booklet, I personally think that the backward message on Hessian Peel is something he would have wanted to express without actually being understood by anyone except himself.

Don´t think so man...there is always some dude making a youtube-video with parts like that played backwards (and I am pretty sure that Mike knows that).