bad deed $2,543,658,234,234


Aug 2, 2002
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this a-hole that i work with, g, just really doesn't like women/girls and always talks down to me and is generally just an ass.

he left this really expensive pen on my desk earlier and i just went and flushed it down the toilet.
why do people have expensive pens anyway? i don't understand. cheap pens write too, correct? why spend a bunch of money just to have a flashy writing implement?

speaking of which, the supposed "nice" pens they keep giving us at work with client logos on them all bite compared to my disposable bic pens.
<3 pilot pens. my dad orders boxes and boxes of them for his business so he always gets an extra one for me.

this guy g had some special embossed pen. him and his annoying damn pen. he's one of those people that also has a FAMILY CREST.
once my brother begged my mom to buy him a relatively pricey pen (by eckerds standards) and the first day he had it at school he lost it. so to avoid trouble (har!) he went back to eckerds with the intention of stealing another. apparently, eckerds likes to spy on you as you use the restroom with video cameras, and it so happened that my brother went to the rest room to take the pen out of the package and put it into his pocket. i got a call from them and had to go up there and pay for the pen or they'd call the police. it was shitty.