embarrassing moments

miranda B

Aug 21, 2002
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Well lets have a thread about embarrassing moments.
I have a lot of them.
Lets share them with eachother so we can at least have a good laugh about it.
Well i go first then.

A few years ago i had to go to my (ex) boyfriends house to meet his parents for the firsttime.I whas always very shy so this whas not one of those nice moments but i went anyway.After a few drinks a had to go to the toilet.So i went there and i had to take a shit.When i whas done i flushed down the toilet but it got stock so now i had to tell them(and i hadn`t talk al night) My (ex) boyfriends mom had to fixed it so she had to go in the toilet with her hands:yuk:
if i think about it i still get the creeps:eek: :eek:

I have one that's pretty close to your story, though it didn't happen to me but a friend of a friend (sounds like urban legend now, doesn't it?).

Anyways, this guy was on a boat from Stockholm to Helsinki - and that means a lot of drinking, for you who don't know finnish habits :D
In the morning he woke up in his cabin and saw all his friends gone. Looked at the clock and realised the boat was allready arrived to Helsinki. Before he was gonna leave the boat he had to take a dumb, so he did. And did it big time ;)
The guy got up and pushed the button to flush the toilet. Nothing happens. There's huge pile of crap in the toilet and it doesn't work. Well, being the man of honour he went outside to look for boatstaff who he could explain this problem to. He only found this cleaning lady who only spoke swedish and our hero didn't. So he tried to gesture the lady to follow him to his cabin. He led the cleaning woman to the toilet, picked up the lid, pointed the pile of shit, said "titta" (that's "look" in swedish), pushed the button and SWWWWOOOOSH!!, the shit was gone. The toilet worked again...

Originally posted by Crack Hitler

I have one that's pretty close to your story, though it didn't happen to me but a friend of a friend (sounds like urban legend now, doesn't it?).


:lol: :lol: still it is a funny story(i think i know how he felt;) )
reminds me of that day i tried to go out of a pub and i hit a big window thinking it was the exit. BAM! everybody looking at me.
i wish i'd gone through the window. i wouldn't have to face all these people staring at me with a smile on their face :eek:
..heh, this happened a few years ago:

I just had got a job, and I had a probation left..
So, it was a nice and sunny summer day, turning to evening, and beer's so cold etc.. Finally, I was pretty drunk. At 4am, when I was drinking my last double-vodka, I thought if I'd go home to sleep for an hour, I'd be more tired at work. So I hung around and waited for the first tram to come. Well, I made my way to work. And went out. I awoke when my boss was shakin my shoulder..I was quite ashamed.

Nowadays this just make me laugh..:D
hehe. it's like a girl i know. she was reading a phone repertory at work and she fell asleep on the book. and the boss woke her up by shaking her shoulder. and she said 'oh no it's just that i have to have my eyes really close to the book cause i forgot my glasses at home' :)
I fell asleep at my desk one lunchtime (its my lunchtime so i'll do what i want godammit) my boss snapped a picture of me on his digi cam and e-mailed it to half the company. Amazingly, my hand was still on the mouse despite my unconsciousness...
I still know the date.... 20th of March 1985. I believe it was in the hospital, the only thing I remember was that I came out of something very weird (they told me that was my mother when I came out) I was full of blood you know, and I was totally NAKED!!!! :eek: can you imagine? All those people were just watching and smiling at me.
Horrible I tell you, I hope none of you guys experienced something like that ever....
shit, for a second i thought i found someone younger then me..but no! damn.how are the chest hair going along for u forlorn? my first one came out today :cool: beat that! ho ho ho
miranda, ur story is hilarious, i have always dreaded for something like that to happen, i hope it never does! shit, i can picture u, ur pathetic life made my day thanks! haha..just kiddin :lol: well, im off in search for better and more efficient chest hair creams in the hopes of one day...maybe one day another one will grow..and by god it will!! :mad:
It was the second day of my university life.
I was looking at the people as if they're aliens.Since I didn't know anyone around, I was generally sleeping on the uncomfortable chair with those small table-like thing attached to it.
Again one day I was sleeping while listening to metal music.I think it was Hypocrisy or Morbid Angel on a bit high volume.I couldn't be aware of the fact that the teacher came and started to instruct after she told me to wake up.When I became aware of the fact with my aching palm of my hands, it was the same time that I was lying on the floor.Since I'd lost my balance on that stupid chair, I moved forward. But the think was, I couldn't pull out my legs from the bottom of the chair where people put their books. It was too bad. So all the people in class started to call me as "sleeping clumsy" for that semester...So as a first impression, it was too unfortunate a think....
Originally posted by oe

miranda, ur story is hilarious, i have always dreaded for something like that to happen, i hope it never does! shit, i can picture u, ur pathetic life made my day thanks! haha..just kiddin :lol:

:lol: :lol: thank you!:lol: :lol: I`m glad at least I made someones day;)
the audiance was waiting for the band to play, they will be on the stage just after 2-3 minutes..
then someone told me that I have to take something from the stage and bring it to him...
I went.. I took what I've to take and....

I was on the stage , everybody was looking at me..
I'll never forget that minute.
:s :erk: I will have my most embarrassing moments in a couple of weeks when my oral exams at the university will start. It's just too much to learn to be able to do a proper exam, and one of my proferssors (a woman) hates every other female being. Now that's going to be nice 90 minutes...:yell: :yow:
-For without :I am studying English Language and Literature in a University in Turkiye.

Today I had an embarrassing experience.
In the class I was chatting with 2 other girlz!
We were talking about our new Renaissance teacher who is at the age of 90. :loco: (I thing I exaggerated a bit...)

We were gossiping about her like, "She's an old senile who used to stay at home dealing with her knitting stuff" since we 3 got an F :s in the first quiz.

Then a girl rose from the chair behind us and started to shout "Noone can say senile to my grand mother you f*cking(sorry) shit heads!":Shedevil:


We were surely shocked!:guh: :yow:

And embarrassed! :erk: :oops:

But we were annoyed too for her sticky words! :hotjump: