Embarrassing moment

Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow

not really wanking is a natural bodilly function, just like if I were to say, "one time I was eating..." same shit

Sure, but telling us about it was perhaps a bit too much.
So here goes my first post:

This embarrassing story did not happen to me but I was present...
I was working at the local Victoria's Secret (yes I'm a girl btw) when this chick went to try on one of the Body Bare collection. For those of you who don't know there is very little to this and the material is completely shear. So she goes in and tries on the bra and matching thong and wanted her friends opinion... as she stepped out around the corner the door closed and of course was locked and there she was standing in basically nothing at all in a crowded store at the mall. I saw the entire thing happen and was trying not to point and laugh as I was working there and all... by the time I got over to let her back in she was half way under the door with her ass in the air. When she heard me opening the door she just collapsed onto the floor. Her face was about 60 shades more red than the rest of her. I just smiled and let her in as politely as I could... then went into the stockroom and died laughing.

Embarrassing story that actually happened to me... well...
I was out at this club dancing with my friends... I had only started to get a good buzz... when all of the sudden I just lost control of all my ability to move... so I fell flat on my ass... really hard... the worst part was the other 500 people in the club actually clapped. I was terribly embarrassed and I haven't been able to go back since.
heres another one of mine......i went to a skatepark with my bike and me and my brother were riding and having a good time of it...when i noticed they had a dirt jump just outside the fence....i pointed it out to my brother and he dared me to ramp it....so being the moron i am...i went out to it and tried it....i shot about a good 10 feet or better into the air and on the way down my bike started to turn over on me....i hit the dirt and me and the bike went end over end about 3 times...when i finally stopped everyone was staring at me going OHHHHHHHHHHH!....i felt like an idiot for that......but i jumped it til i landed one haha!!!:p
Hey thanks for the welcome...

So another embarrassing story.. for some reason most of mine seem to be falling on my ass... so here goes another...
When I was in 8th grade I was in a parade in the middle of downtown. I was on a horse named Star that I used to ride in a few shows. Anyway... there we were all trotting down the street when the horse in front of me decided to take a major shit... not really surprising as that is what they do. Well someone had the bright idea to put the fire truck right behind us and of course they kept making the siren go off... well my damn horse got spooked, reared back and threw me off... and of course I landed on my ass.. in horse shit. So I got my up to my damn horse and got back on him and rode the rest of the parade covered in horseshit. The worst part was when I got back to my dad's car I had to pretty much strip before I could get in... so half the damn town say me in an undershirt and my undies... Thank god that was before I started wearing thongs.
Hmm, I've had lots of embarrassing things happen to me, but I can't seem to remember much right now.

Well, last summer I had to spend two weeks at "fat camp" (not really for weight loss, it's just the nickname of the place). On the way to, we had to ride in crowded cattle trucks with no room to sit. The truck finally arrived, and the minute the doors opened we had people yelling at us to get outside. The Duffle bag on my back weighed probably 55 lbs(more or less, which is like half my weight), and I was the first person to exit the turck. I was so nervous and didn't notice someone had dropped their "new testament"(the little ones preachers hand out to people on the streets) on the steps. I tripped and fell out of the truck flat on my face, my duffle bag crushing me. I didn't have a very fun two weeks.
Originally posted by NaTaSMAI
Hmm, I've had lots of embarrassing things happen to me, but I can't seem to remember much right now.

Well, last summer I had to spend two weeks at "fat camp" (not really for weight loss, it's just the nickname of the place). On the way to, we had to ride in crowded cattle trucks with no room to sit. The truck finally arrived, and the minute the doors opened we had people yelling at us to get outside. The Duffle bag on my back weighed probably 55 lbs(more or less, which is like half my weight), and I was the first person to exit the turck. I was so nervous and didn't notice someone had dropped their "new testament"(the little ones preachers hand out to people on the streets) on the steps. I tripped and fell out of the truck flat on my face, my duffle bag crushing me. I didn't have a very fun two weeks.

haha ....hmmm......sounds like basic training
Originally posted by Silver Sable
Hey thanks for the welcome...

So another embarrassing story.. for some reason most of mine seem to be falling on my ass... so here goes another...
When I was in 8th grade I was in a parade in the middle of downtown. I was on a horse named Star that I used to ride in a few shows. Anyway... there we were all trotting down the street when the horse in front of me decided to take a major shit... not really surprising as that is what they do. Well someone had the bright idea to put the fire truck right behind us and of course they kept making the siren go off... well my damn horse got spooked, reared back and threw me off... and of course I landed on my ass.. in horse shit. So I got my up to my damn horse and got back on him and rode the rest of the parade covered in horseshit. The worst part was when I got back to my dad's car I had to pretty much strip before I could get in... so half the damn town say me in an undershirt and my undies... Thank god that was before I started wearing thongs.

I wish I had seen that, seriously.
I don't recall any amusing embarrassing moment, I don't think I have any, then again i'm a bit social anxious so I'm embarrassed all the time.. :p
after 18 years i can assure you it's not that easy :rolleyes:

...anyway, back on topic... i remembered once i had the stereo really loud and as i thought i was alone i began to sing.. then i got bored and turned it off, turn round and saw my sister and two of her friends standing by the door looking at me >> :err: << like this. that's the first and last time i ever sang :p
Originally posted by Silver Sable
So here goes my first post:

This embarrassing story did not happen to me but I was present...
I was working at the local Victoria's Secret (yes I'm a girl btw) when this chick went to try on one of the Body Bare collection. For those of you who don't know there is very little to this and the material is completely shear. So she goes in and tries on the bra and matching thong and wanted her friends opinion... as she stepped out around the corner the door closed and of course was locked and there she was standing in basically nothing at all in a crowded store at the mall. I saw the entire thing happen and was trying not to point and laugh as I was working there and all... by the time I got over to let her back in she was half way under the door with her ass in the air. When she heard me opening the door she just collapsed onto the floor. Her face was about 60 shades more red than the rest of her. I just smiled and let her in as politely as I could... then went into the stockroom and died laughing.

Embarrassing story that actually happened to me... well...
I was out at this club dancing with my friends... I had only started to get a good buzz... when all of the sudden I just lost control of all my ability to move... so I fell flat on my ass... really hard... the worst part was the other 500 people in the club actually clapped. I was terribly embarrassed and I haven't been able to go back since.

The first embarrassing story would be interesting to see, and I'd laugh and feel quite odd if it was me, but I don't wear bras or thongs...

As for the second one that'd be funny, but I'd be nice about it. Hehe.

Originally posted by Silver Sable
Hey thanks for the welcome...

So another embarrassing story.. for some reason most of mine seem to be falling on my ass... so here goes another...
When I was in 8th grade I was in a parade in the middle of downtown. I was on a horse named Star that I used to ride in a few shows. Anyway... there we were all trotting down the street when the horse in front of me decided to take a major shit... not really surprising as that is what they do. Well someone had the bright idea to put the fire truck right behind us and of course they kept making the siren go off... well my damn horse got spooked, reared back and threw me off... and of course I landed on my ass.. in horse shit. So I got my up to my damn horse and got back on him and rode the rest of the parade covered in horseshit. The worst part was when I got back to my dad's car I had to pretty much strip before I could get in... so half the damn town say me in an undershirt and my undies... Thank god that was before I started wearing thongs.

Wow, I agree with At The Gates, I'd definitely love to see that. But, then again, it would probably be hard to find a girl that doesn't think your disgusting. Kind of reminds me of school, except girls don't strip, they just lean forward a little bit and you can see their thong, it's quite gross, and I don't know why they do it, but some guys notice it and say something, and for some reason get a girl for it. But I'm just gonna stay out of that until I find a girl that is very sweet, which I'm working on, but it's very hard now... And life is tough for me.

Well, anyways welcome!

@Thorns of Sorrow: That's an embarrassing moment... :lol: