Embarrassing moment

This really is tough...because my life is full of them. But the one I want to share isn't my own. (Of course) it happens to be a friend of the family. Anyhow this woman went to the gynaecologist for a little 'check up'. She said that she was really nervous before the Dr. came in, and had some stomach cramps. Anyhooo the Dr. came in and started his examination. (hehehe) He got down at face level with her (well I'm sure you know what I mean). The Dr. started to push on her abdomen, and just when she thought she'd burst, she farted right in is face. She said it was so powerful she swears she parted his hair. LOL

Yah so the Dr. finished quickly and left the room. I don't believe she's been back to see him after that.

Come to think of it...I'm envious. This is a great story to be able to claim! Damn...
Oh, the humanity!

I think I tend to think mistakes and such stuff are good for you, keeps you down to earth, and reminds oneself of that one should keep the mouth or whatever shut...

That OR make sure you look over your shoulders FIRST. ;)
Well, I don´t do that... I don´t think before I speak, and I don´t look over my shoulder before I do anything... I simply can´t, because that would render me sitting in a room, never doin anything at all but thinking... ;)

I´d _like_ to think before I speak somtimes tho... I seem to hurt people when I tell them what I think about them. Not everyone can take it, it seems... And my intentions are never to hurt anyone at all, that would be soo not me. But, but...

-phyros ( stupid arse / the nicest person you will ever meet )
Yup, that's the most important thing. It's much, much worse if someone is saying something nice to you, about you, and you understand that it is not true. In the end, it's always better to know, and hear, the truth.
I know... Especially if you happend to hear it without the one talking knowing it - or if the person notice that you have heard and try to make up, saying all kinds of "nice" things that you of course understand is not true....
here is one that is funny...

A while back I was wanking to some amateur porn on my cpu...and like I didnt realize the volume on my speakers were turned up from a long day of blasting music. Anyways, I was watching and all of sudden this chick yells at the top her lungs "I want your cock in pussy!!" and like the volume was on full blast and it was like 2am..HAHAHAH It woke up the folks, and I spent the next day trying to convince them it was dream they were having..:lol: :lol:
well,on monday we had a plenary assembly at school.but my bus was VERY late and when i entered the assembly hall and the door slamed behind me(*BOOM*),all the otheres turned around and stared at me...i thought about never going to school again!
;) (i´m so happy that there are vacations now...)
Thorns.... I dunno what to say.... he he... goddamn it man...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Even I am embarassed on your behalf... :lol:

I was extremely drunk last saturday and for some reason I did
something I never do even when I'm drunk. I wanted to beat up
the security dudes at this disco/bar we were at.. I was really
tough all of a sudden... I'm just happy they decided to ignore my
pathetic attempts. It's not much, but I am a bit embarassed
about it as I hate such macho crap.
hrmm... I was taking a train one day... very early.. like.. 7 in the morning.. and I'd stayed up all nite so I was falling in and out of sleep..soo... I was somewhat sleeping when I snapped out of it and in the same instant exclaimed "NO!"

it wasn't that loud or anything... but people heard it and turned their heads in my direction...

Apropos trains! I was drunk in Oslo once. And I was going to Son
(it's quite a bit south of Oslo) and I ended up in Lillestrøm which
is east and slightly north of Oslo! It was in the middle of the
night, I think it was in the middle of the week. The train-personel
woke me up when we arrived and I didn't understand shit! I had
almost no money, so I called my girlfriend... she had to drive for
an hour (one way), unnecessary in the middle of the night...
MAN, she was pissed at me.. :cry:
I guess one of the times was when I was at a traditional christmas party in Sweden (Lucia). I was sitting at a table talking with some people and ...I suppose I had a cold because when someone made a joke I laughed so hard that snot ran out of my nose onto my chin...
I covered my face with my hand end excused myself pretty quickly.
After cleaning my face up I came back and felt very stupid.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
here is one that is funny...

A while back I was wanking to some amateur porn on my cpu...and like I didnt realize the volume on my speakers were turned up from a long day of blasting music. Anyways, I was watching and all of sudden this chick yells at the top her lungs "I want your cock in pussy!!" and like the volume was on full blast and it was like 2am..HAHAHAH It woke up the folks, and I spent the next day trying to convince them it was dream they were having..:lol: :lol:

Whats more embarrassing is that you are telling us you are wanking to porn...