Bad Drum Edits on Big Name Albums!


Feb 24, 2011
After editing drums for some time now, I'm beginning to hear a TON of bad edits in the productions that get released. I'm not sure how this happens on bigger productions. When I find out I have a bad edit on the drums, more specifically the cymbals (the place where its most noticeable, its either from:

1) me not noticing it was there in the first place and catching it later
2) me not having enough takes to comp a perfect edit
3) the drummer wasn't consistent and didn't hit the same cymbal on the previous edit before the downbeat, so it doesn't end up carrying into the new take.

Not sure how these guys are letting these slip.

Here's one: Impending Doom - There will be violence
at about 20 seconds in when the drums switch from blasting to the beat you can hear the cymbals being choked.

Another: Oceano - Persuasive Oppression
around 2:58, right after the fill
The quality of this sucks, I own it so I've heard it in .wav and its obvious

any comments on how these slip by? Got any other examples of big name deathcore/death metal bands with bad edits? I know how time consuming drum editing is when you want GOOD results. I've only done it for one album, and I wanted to kill while I was doing it lol (not really). I can see how some of these slip past dudes who have to do a couple albums a year.
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I've heard bad song edits on a couple bigger bands albums and even a spot where the kick drum was accidentally muted for a few moments but can't think of too many bad drum edit fuck ups
The only one i've ever really noticed that's actually stuck with me is in Nothing else matters from the black album. In the instrumental section before the last verse, when Lars switches from hitting the rim of the snare to the head, there's a complete change in sound from said snare after his little fill-ish thing

3:15 onwards :)
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I wouldn't say big name but there's one on the first track of the Kalmah album that always bugged me. 43 seconds in

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I had a Evergrey revival a couple of months ago. And then i heard that the Hihat is panned all over the place moving in the stereo field on their In search of truth album. Never noticed it when i was just a listener but annoying as hell these days haha. Wonder why they did it like that, perhaps some way of covering up bad edits??

here's one 5 seconds into the song.

i'm of course talking about the crash that cuts off. i think the worst thing is it's literally 5 seconds into the song.

edit. i can't seem to find a decent quality version of this song on youtube. 240p should be banned by law :lol:
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I've edited around 12 records in the last year and I'm not nearly as fast as some of the guys I know, but I do my best to make sure these kinds of details don't slip by. But it happens, especially if you're not involved in the rest of the record and you only listen to the song all the way through a couple times and then its on to the next song.

Sometimes if you're on a tight schedule and the drums have to be ready for tracking but not necessarily ready for mix yet, you let these mistakes slip by and maybe they never get fixed. In certain production styles, they may not show up at all in the mix, except maybe to other engineers.
Audiohammer's stuff has quite a few bad cymbal edits. Sneap has teased Suecof for it before, too. I think I noticed the most on Whitechapel's A New Era of Corruption.
I was listening to This Godless Endeavor last night with headphones, and heard some rather strange sounding cymbal chokes in My Acid Words that I hadn't noticed before...
Listen to the section starting at 3:22, in the double-kick parts (3:24), pay attention to the china in the left speaker. It hits on each beat of that measure, and the 1 of the next measure, for 5 hits. The first two sound normal, but the three that follow are all clearly choked, which could be played easily enough, but even the last one is choked, and there's another cymbal that sounds on the right side at the same time. It happens throughout that whole section.
I suppose he could be choking the cymbal with the same hand he hit it with, but it sounds kinda odd to me... Anyone else? You think it was supposed to sound like that?

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Just at the end, at 3:35..
Sounds as if the song was cut short, pasting the ending earlier.. or they pasted an earlier part there.. it just sounds way off..
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