Bad Grammer

I always thought "Youll fear of me" was correct in a way. Well, that almost kills the moor for me.
wait hold on a minute... "any would betoken" is correct

I assumed the tense was conditional perfect and Mike had missed the "have" before "betoken," but it turns out "betoken" is a verb, not a past participle
Longinus said:
But youll fear of me is wrong, huh?
Technically, I would say so. "You will fear of me." That is all he's saying. I guess it's not so bad. I've seen worse errors, so bleh.

To the creator of this thread: it's pretty funny that you can diss Mikael's grammar, but you can't spell the word correctly in the title. :)
@The Dude: I finally saw The Big Lebowski the other day. Friggin' awesome movie. I didn't understand Sam Elliot's character though.

I've always noticed the grammar. Even a bit on Lamentations too between the songs but hey, it's not his native tongue. I respect anyone that can speak a 2nd language as well as Mikael can so it doesn't really bother me.
I respect anyone that can speak a 2nd language as well as Mikael can so it doesn't really bother me.

I definitely agree with Jon Snow on this one. I've been taking Spanish since kindergarten and I'm now 17 (Holy shit, 12 years--that scares me when I think about it...!) and I'm almost-but-not-quite fluent. It's taken me that long. Now maybe I'm just a really, really slow learner, but the point remains the same. Learning and mastering a second language isn't all that easy.

Could I write song lyrics in Spanish? Yeah probably, but the grammar wouldn't be all
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
sam elliot = who in the big lebowski?

The stranger. Narrator at the beginning, cowboy looking guy drinking with
The Dude at the little bar there in the bowling alley. Sam Elliot rules. Don't people from Pittsburgh know who he is?