Bad Joke of the day

Four surgeons - an American, a Chinese, a Japanese and a Filipino - were having a conversation over some drinks.

American surgeon: "We had this patient that lost both arms. We gave him artificial ones. Do you know what happened to him? He's now a world boxing champion."

Chinese surgeon: "Oh, that nothing. We had patient with no legs. We gave him artificial legs. You know what he is now? World champion runner."

Japanese surgeon: "That is nothing. We had patient that lost both arms and legs. We gave him artificial ones. You know what he is? Gold medalist in swimming."

Filipino surgeon: "You guys are weak! There was this lady who lost her head. We replaced it with a coconut. Do you know what she became? President of the Philippines!"
Two gurus are discussing reincarnation one day. One guru asks the other what he would be reincarnated as if he had a choice. The second guru replied "I would like to be a brightly colored carp."

The first guru looked and him sternly and said "Don't be koi."