Bad Live Performances of Bands You lLove Thread


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
I happen to love this Soilwork song, but I don't think the band lands any fill or rhythm part on time together in the whole song :ill:

as soon as I saw the title of this thread I thought of soilwork

both times I saw them bjorn was really really off his game.

Second time I saw them they tried using a vocal harmonizer live, doubling the vocals a 5th up and it made it sound even worse.

Not only was the vocals out of tune but soilworks soundguy kept turning the harmonized off late so it would be still going during some screams ..... Or even when he was talking to the crowd...
as soon as I saw the title of this thread I thought of soilwork

Same here :) I've seen them twice at festivals(Wacken both times), and even though it's a bit hard to judge bands based on festivals, they were really, really shit both times.
Scar Symmetry, Fear Factory and Fall Out Boy come to mind as well. All are amazing studio bands, but it's hit or miss live.
Hmm, I've seen Soilwork headlining twice (once on the StD tour in Spring '05, once this past January), and they were great both times, Speed included!

We'll I'll have to forgive them for the 2nd show with the harmonizer problems I was referring to. It was the first show of the tour in a very less than adequate venue lol

But even with my past experiences, nothings stopping me from seeing them next time around again!

and to the original lolzgreg Wacken video, was that a fill-in drummer?

lol and totally unrelated, sorry to get off track, but I was looking up soilwork live vids and get a load of this introduction speech.
That has to be devin townsend 1000% lmao

I`ve seen Soilwork just once, but they fucking nailed that time (around 2004), Speed was spot on and Wichers was doing the vocal harmonies, i thought they were playing the CD at the Pa when i arrive to the venue.
I'm not a Dragonforce fan, but I've got to post this video:

Possibly the most atrocious thing I've ever heard.

Everyone has a bad day or two and sometimes it's a bit unfair to put a performance under the microscope knowing that bands often have to deal with sub-par stage sound/technical problems. Some bands simply fall apart if they can't hear each other properly. I've seen that happening to Opeth a few times for example...

The other big reason for otherwise solid bands putting on atrocious performances are heavily intoxicated musicians. I'm the last one that should complain about people having a beer to much, but it shouldn't get out of hand. Quite often it's one guy dragging everybody down.

For years even Nevermore were kinda hit or miss because Warrel used to be completely wasted a bit too often... I'm glad that this has changed.

Some also show their age quite obviously... but some bands just genuinely suck live. :lol:
I'm not putting anyone under the microscope. I encourage people to post bands they LOVE that have had bad performances. It's about being able to go back and say "what the fuck happened?"