Bad News.

I thought it was the other way around, if it was dark yellow you need to drink more water, if it's not very dark it's ok. But what do I know? :p
I've always learned that dark yellow = dehydrated

hmmm. Maybe it is, either I have it the other way around or my teacher had it the other way around. Idk, all I know is that it was nasty and smelly.

and how did we go from talking about Creed to pee pee?
^even though there is no history of diabetes in my family and that I eat well ???

Just saying that its a sign, body produces more urine than normal and makes you pee more. Doesn't mean that you have it. Just sayin' yo
hmmm. Maybe it is, either I have it the other way around or my teacher had it the other way around. Idk, all I know is that it was nasty and smelly.

and how did we go from talking about Creed to pee pee?

because its the same shit :lol:?

I'd totally to the Eiffel tower with you and I hope I'm not the only one who gets this :lol:

Not with Shannon though :mad:
Now there's another thing I've never done...
and how did we go from talking about Creed to pee pee?
Cause it's my thread and anything goes in my world.
especially when you're menstrual, you pee ALOT.

and when you drink. and when you drink coffee.

I was about to say that. And fuck you, i have one of their albums :lol:
Never noticed the menstrual and coffee-induced pee... weird. But yea, light pee = good. Dark pee = dehydration/toxins.
I would rather hear the death rattle of my ONLY child, then to listen to that fucking shit.
urrmmm... I only know two songs by Creep: "With Arms Wide Open" and "What's This Life For", both in acoustic version...and I think they're quite good. o_O what don't you like about them? I think the voice is pretty nice...
and for the record, you're double gay if you wouldn't clone yourself and DP shannon.
What's the difference between Creed,3 Doors Down and every other mainstream radio band? They all sound the same. When i heard a song of Creed i could not hear the difference.
Now there's another thing I've never done...

Cause it's my thread and anything goes in my world.

Never noticed the menstrual and coffee-induced pee... weird. But yea, light pee = good. Dark pee = dehydration/toxins.

then my teacher is a liar. YES I KNEW I WAS RIGHT@@!!! IN YOUR FACE HA!!!

We're gonna fuck you up in the name of the Lord!
Tremonti's babymama is a bimbo and he takes her and their toddler on tour with Alter Bridge. The bimbo tried selling me on the Tremonti PRS and the kid, as adorable and well-behaved as he was, seemed to be on a suicide mission cause it eventually became the night's curse for me to find the kid near certain death whenever the babymama became too distracted with her Marlboro Lights and local gfs. Laaaame people.

In other bad news, I heard from Creepy Guy again. I thought this would entertain you all. It's a "poem" he sent to my myspace. He thinks he's a poet/lyricist.

The World's Gone Mad

The world's gone mad
And I have lost touch.
I shouldn't admit it,
But I have.
It slipped away while I was distracted.
I swear I haven't changed.
How did this happen?
I didn't feel myself
My body has gone
But my eyes remain.
Hovering. Witnessing.
Cold as a ghost ..watching the streets.
Sheltering in doorways of
An invisible heart beating against you.
The invisible pulse silently thumping
I shout my name in your places,
No one seems to notice.
No one understands.
I stand perfectly still
In the middle of the road.
I hold my nerve.
I will hear your prayers
As you whisper alone.
I am the one you felt was close.
You lit a candle,
Blessings in the cold night air
I cannot lift a hand to stop it.
I don't exist. What can I do?
I will scream in your ear
As you're passing by.
I will wrap my arms around you.
You won't hear, you won't feel me.
I will walk stride for stride with you.
I will try to help
When you stumble,
But you will stumble through me.
A spectre.
It's all I am.
I have read all your letters.
I know what you contain.
I have dreamt your dreams.
My head is haunted.
I will scream again
"I am perfectly sane"
But I am gone

Paint an even better picture?