Bad News.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.





Quite possible. Another thing somewhat worthy of pointing out- For someone with such a superiority complex (he's self-admittedly conceited), he certainly feels I'm worthy of speaking of to all his "friends" and co-workers. The last two times I ran into him while he was working and at that bartending gig at his house there was A LOT of "Oooohhh.. YOU'RE Shannon. He talks about you ALL the time!"

For someone with so many "best friends" it's odd how he's taken to running his mouth about me seemingly constantly.
Id say Mace, that why he cries and his makeup will get fucked.

Also greater chance of hitting a secondary fuckup by accident.
I think I might ask my daddy for a taser for Christmas :lol:
He doesn't approve of me carrying a blade however he constantly give me pepper spray so...
Why not brass knuckles? You're strong enough to smack him around yourself. Illegality isn't THAT important :p
My dad's a cop. As long as I'm in Philly I don't get in trouble... and I have police connections through my social ties too... including hookups for tasers and brass knuckles. I just haven't acted on it yet.
I was unaware brass knuckles were illegal, especially in America.
Apparently Guns are much safer then.

And cop-hookups are sweet :p
My friend has a shirt given out only to members of Hamilton S.W.A.T. :p