Bad News.


I always feel bad for these people, they put their heart and creativity into something,t hey think it's good, good enough to show others... but in reality it's a huge steaming pile of shit..

:lol: I shed a tear for this homo.

By the way.
A poem should never.
Have periods.
All over.
And be.
Broken up such.
As this.

We're gonna fuck you up in the name of the Lord!

Holy fuck. The dude in the bright red on the far right... he looks like a dude in my english class.
n other bad news, I heard from Creepy Guy again. I thought this would entertain you all. It's a "poem" he sent to my myspace. He thinks he's a poet/lyricist.

The World's Gone Mad

The world's gone mad
And I have lost touch.
I shouldn't admit it,
But I have.
It slipped away while I was distracted.
I swear I haven't changed.
How did this happen?
I didn't feel myself
My body has gone
But my eyes remain.
Hovering. Witnessing.
Cold as a ghost ..watching the streets.
Sheltering in doorways of
An invisible heart beating against you.
The invisible pulse silently thumping
I shout my name in your places,
No one seems to notice.
No one understands.
I stand perfectly still
In the middle of the road.
I hold my nerve.
I will hear your prayers
As you whisper alone.
I am the one you felt was close.
You lit a candle,
Blessings in the cold night air
I cannot lift a hand to stop it.
I don't exist. What can I do?
I will scream in your ear
As you're passing by.
I will wrap my arms around you.
You won't hear, you won't feel me.
I will walk stride for stride with you.
I will try to help
When you stumble,
But you will stumble through me.
A spectre.
It's all I am.
I have read all your letters.
I know what you contain.
I have dreamt your dreams.
My head is haunted.
I will scream again
"I am perfectly sane"
But I am gone

Yous gonna get raped. Seriously, disassociate yourself from that guy.
Disassociate yourself with myspace. :Smokin:

This thread is in the running competition with the Bloodbath "LOVE" thread for most creepy thread award.
Creepy Guy said:
I am the world that hides the universal secret of all time. Destruction of the empty spaces is my one and only crime. I've lived a thousand times. I've found out what it means to be believed. The thoughts and images. The unborn child that never was concieved. When little worlds collide I'm trapped inside my embryonic cell unpacking memories I've cast into the never-ending well. The name distorts the face-the child that nevers sees the cause of man. The deathly darkness that belies the fate of those who never can. I know it's not for you to know the reason why you'll understand more when it's time to die. Don't believe the life you have will be the only one. You have to let your body sleep to let your soul live on. Love has given life to you and now it's your concern. Unseen eye of inner life will make your soul return. Still I look-but not to touch the seeds of life I've sown. The curtain of the future falls-the secret stays unknown.
Creepy Guy said:
Who I'd like to meet:
My lovers stand before me-my Love, behind my back. They think they can control the game, but The Juggler holds another card. I need someone to believe in, someone to trust. But down here I'm so alone in my fear, and every single door that I walk through leads me back in there again. The priestess and the magician are chanting all the spells they've ever heard. They are calling out my name. The poor girl stands in front of me-the rich girl, behind my back. Like everyone else, they're pointing, but nowhere feels quite right. I need someone to believe in, someone to trust. I'd rather trust a girl who works with her hands. She looks at you once and you know she understands. If I lose my time she won't take me for a ride back inside this chamber of so many doors. I have nowhere to hide, but I'll give you all of my dreams if you'd help me find the door that doesn't lead me back again.

This guy is on crack.
Oh lord, the fact that he has one of the pics with you as his default is creepy enough.
Fun pic facts:

1- He thinks that's the coolest of the bunch we took cause he looks Manson-esque (in his eyes).

2- Just before the flash went off he pulled me back against his crotch piece. Grossssss
You want me to beat him up?
Soooo not worth it. He'd try to put a spell on you while trying to wiggle you off of him.
This guy is on crack.
Lots of acid and weed. He also claims that when he was 10 he fell out of a tree and was in a coma.. and once he woke up he started acting "weird" and getting into "demonic and satanic things".

37, divorced, no kids, chain coffee shop manager, thinks, acts like and hangs out with 20-somethings (mostly female, of course), is obsessed with the fetish scene and conveniently is a has-been "musician" shat out of the 80s shock scene.
Who I'd like to meet:
My lovers stand before me-my Love, behind my back. They think they can control the game, but The Juggler holds another card. I need someone to believe in, someone to trust. But down here I'm so alone in my fear, and every single door that I walk through leads me back in there again. The priestess and the magician are chanting all the spells they've ever heard. They are calling out my name. The poor girl stands in front of me-the rich girl, behind my back. Like everyone else, they're pointing, but nowhere feels quite right. I need someone to believe in, someone to trust. I'd rather trust a girl who works with her hands. She looks at you once and you know she understands. If I lose my time she won't take me for a ride back inside this chamber of so many doors. I have nowhere to hide, but I'll give you all of my dreams if you'd help me find the door that doesn't lead me back again.
Genesis - The Chamber Of 32 Doors