Bags allowed at PP5?


New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2004
I have a vinyl bag that I want to bring into the venue, It will be empty when I arrive at the show, I want to bring it, so I can store my raincoats and fill up with Crap, I plan to be buy. So are bags allowed? And is the Pre-party show, still on? And are PP5 tix required to gain entrance to the Pre party show. Thanks!
Small bags are allowed, but they will be searched thoroughly everytime through the door. Pre-show party is on. That is a separate ticket. Visit the "event info" section of the website for details as I have no part in that show.

Glenn H
I saw full-size backpacks last year. As long as you let them search your bag each time, they don't really mind it at all. But I'd recommend some kind of satchel or sidebag instead of a backpack, just for maneuverability in there. The concourse gets TIGHT during some of the breaks and when certain people are signing autographs. So if you have something at your hip, it's better than having it stick way out of your back blocking mobility.


Merchandise at ProgPower 6! Canvas mapbags! Big enough for a couple 3-ring binders for school use or concert goodie storage, with a big ol' PROGPOWER on the side! Lined and water-resistant! I'd dump a good chunk of change to have a wickedawesome bag that won't wear out on me after using three times!
That's a great idea Bryan316!!!! I'd definitely dig something like that. I had to do an extra trip back to my room last year to dump off my cd haul. I'd love something like that.

We could have the PP emblem on it, etc. Just think Glenn, you wouldn't have to hear us harp that we want it in "girlie" style (ha ha).
...if Glenn gets pink bags.... I'll projectile vomit at the vendors.

I swear I will!


And they can't be no sissy-assed vinyl bag that'll wear out in thirty days, and stitching that comes loose just by looking at it funny, and no fuckin snaps, either. MILITARY issue canvas, leather straps, cast-iron buckles, and a diamond-plate skidplate underneath so you can drag that sumbitch on pavement like a boat trailer if need be! We're talking about a HEAVY METAL BAG, beeeotch!!!

And chrome spikes, and big ass chains like Zakk Wylde's guitar straps... so very metal.... :headbang:
Bryan316 said:
...if Glenn gets pink bags.... I'll projectile vomit at the vendors.

Hey if the women have to deal with MEN's tee's, then the men can deal with the WOMEN's Bags!

Ha! Just kidding. Even I'd be mad if they were pink. Ewwww!

The vendor I go through can probally get some done at a great price and make them so they last. (

I think they should be a lighter color (burlap/muslin) so the bands can sign the bags!

ThXinc said:
Those of us with Gold Badges AND either a room at the Granada or Fairfield have the luxury of filling our bags up and taking them back to the room before the doors even open to the general public. ;)


How long does it take to walk from Earthlink to the Fairfield? I know it's a block and a half or something like that & I have driven by there a few months ago just to eyeball the situation before buying tix and making reservations. That has been a while back though and I can't really remember. I'd like to make two or three trips back to the room a night, given the privelige.
so a back pack is considered a small bag? I just remember not bringing anything and along with being tired from flying on day of day 1, carrying cds and shirts in a bag given to me by end records or one of the other distros was tiresome.
Glenn (or anyone, for that matter), if you're interested in creating totebags or other PP merchandise, some friends of mine have happily used CafePress for various items (including decent totebags, prints, coffee mugs, etc.) and their quality is pretty good. Prices aren't bad either. is the site.
EdF'Nguy said:
I have a vinyl bag that I want to bring into the venue, It will be empty when I arrive at the show, I want to bring it, so I can store my raincoats and fill up with Crap, I plan to be buy. So are bags allowed? And is the Pre-party show, still on? And are PP5 tix required to gain entrance to the Pre party show. Thanks!

Another idea is one of those bags that strap accross your waist that zip up. I have found it dificult to find a nice handbag to match my shoes, so I might go that route.

Pellaz said:
Glenn (or anyone, for that matter), if you're interested in creating totebags or other PP merchandise, some friends of mine have happily used CafePress for various items (including decent totebags, prints, coffee mugs, etc.) and their quality is pretty good. Prices aren't bad either. is the site.

I'm not a fan of CafePress. The prices are too high, not a lot of opportunity for bands/ promoters to have merch on hand. Fairly high set up cost...Plus if there is a merch defect it's hard to get through to an actual person.

Plus side, not a lot of extra merch for bands/promoters to front the cost. Good quality usually.

Hey man, I never suggested the color pink! If Glenn ever did that, I'd have to hit him over the head with it (especially after it was filled) :)
The vendors are setting up in the restaurant this year, so the walkway around the stage area will be veritably empty in comparison to when the vendors were there..should be much more elbow room, & less headache for those dragging bags through the crowd. :)
Lady of the Oracle said:
The vendors are setting up in the restaurant this year, so the walkway around the stage area will be veritably empty in comparison to when the vendors were there..should be much more elbow room, & less headache for those dragging bags through the crowd. :)

Oh good! The traffic jam out there was one of my gripes. Glad to see it got fixed!