
DreamNeonBlack said:
ummmmm since when is Green Day Goth?

And slipknot?
Since this article.
Wow, two kids with no clue about goth, punk, or metal. I want to start a petition urging them to kill themselves, including the footnote to slit lengthwise on the vein.
Sisters of Mercy, Bad Brains, and Bauhaus wish they could be as punk metal and gothic rock as Green Day, Good Charlotte, and Murderdolls are ...

That's why "Goth" has become such a trendy and stereotyped image ... just like why the 80's are why most people think idiots in spandex when they hear "metalhead".

I'm gonna go brood some more and then sulk in my corner.

... and then I'll got not wear ADIDAS clothing and listen to Slipknot and be a real Goth.
Its so unbelievable that they would even give these fuck tards an article. I hope these kids get the shit kicked outta them everyday through highschool by the football team until they pull their heads outta their asses and stop this MArlyn MAnson induced coma which has over taken todays youth. Its so sad.
"When we had the money we bought eyeliner"

... their parents let them throw away their money like this?

y'all have heard Bill Engvall's rant about goths right? If not, you should... then again, those people aren't too very goth, or kv|†

To show how sad these 'nu trends' are, I was labeled a goth in high school just because I wore dark clothes and listened to Samael, Tiamat and was into studying occult things. I hated being labeled that, I don't like being considered an associate of a group of what is now retards and poseurs.